sixteen ♔ ben hardy

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"BEN!" You started as he stormed inside the house. You had just got back from a gala and he was pissed of because you were talking with Harry Styles all night. You and Harry went to high school together, but Ben didn't know that. You weren't flirting with him or anything, just talking and he was a really nice chap. Ben just got it all wrong and thought that you were flirting with him, and he with you. "BEN! You stop right there and speak with me! What's wrong with you?!" You shouted and he stopped midway up the stairs.

"ME?! What's wrong with ME?!" He said angrily, stomping down the stairs towards you. "I wasn't the one FLIRTING with people Y/n! That was you." He hissed, pointing his finger close to your face. You pushed his hand away, staring up at him with furious eyes.

" I.wasn't.flirting! I was just talking with him! How can you be so fucking jealous all the time?!" You asked him, anger laced in your words.

"BECAUSE YOU WERE WITH HIM ALL FUCKING NIGHT Y/N, YOU DIDN'T EVEN LOOK MY WAY!" He exploded, waving his arms around as he spoke.

"I DID! You just ignored me Ben! I tried getting your attention but you wouldn't look at me!" You said, tears building up in your eyes.

"Maybe it was because i didn't want to." Ben said, looking straight into your eyes.

"W-what?" You stuttered, a small tear running down your cheek.

"Maybe i didn't want you to come with me-" He said but you interrupted him.

"Stop, just stop." You said, holding you hand up to stop him from talking. You looked into his eyes with teary ones, making his heart break. You rushed up the stairs, locking yourself in your shared bedroom, packing a duffer bag with clothes, you couldn't stand being in his presence at the moment. You opened the door again, walking downstairs towards the door. Before you walked out of it you put on a pair of sneakers instead of your uncomfortable heels. You had called Lucy five minutes earlier and she was on her way to pick you up.

"Y/n..." You herd a voice behind you. Ben stood there, tears rushing down his red cheeks. You stared at him with cold eyes. "Please Y/n, don't leave me, please." He begged, walking closer to you, trying to grab your hands. You just moved away from his touch stepping away from him.

"I just need to get away for a while, that's all." You said and his face scrunched up as you spoke, he put his face in his hands as he sobbed into it. You herd a car horn beeping outside and you understood that Lucy were at your house to pick you up. "Bye." You said and went for the door, but before you could open it Ben grabbed your arm.

"Y/n, please stay." He said, pulling you into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around your frame. You arms hung numbly at your side as he sobbed into your hair. You got out of his grip and went for the door. You opened it before slamming it shut, letting your tears escape from your eyes. You jumped into Lucy's car and she drove off without asking you any questions. She didn't want you to think about the previous argument that you and Ben were in. She wanted you to think of something else, so she drove into McDonalds drive thru and ordered both of your favourite meals. Plus some vanilla ice cream, as the ice cream machine was working for once. She parked her car outside of a movie theatre and you both walked inside, watching Captain Marvel.

Lucy was you best friend and she always knew how to cheer you up. As you watched the movie, Ben vanished from your head for a while. But as it ended he strolled right in again. You tried to hide your sadness from Lucy but she knew you too well. When you arrived at her house she brought you inside and grabbed a tube of chocolate chip ice cream and two spoons.

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