three ♔ brian may

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Your hand flew up to your mouth as you stared at the small stick laying in your hands. You were pregnant. You were ready, and you were happy, but the acing pain of worry spread through your body as you thought about Brian. You knew he wanted kids, but you didn't know when. You also knew that he would support you, and so would everyone else, but you were still scared that he wouldn't accept the baby.

"Y/n? Are you okay? What does it say?" Mary said through the thin bathroom door, worry and excitement laced in her words. You got up and walked towards the door and opened it with a twist of your wrist. She opened the door gently before she stepped inside, closing it behind her. You gave her the stick and she grabbed it with a gasp. "Y/n! Congratulations! Are you happy?" She asked with a smile and you nodded, a small tear filled with mixed emotions ran down your cheek. Tears of happiness escaped Mary's bright eyes as she laughed and hugged you.

"I'm just scared about Brian, what if he doesn't accept the baby." You said, nose and eyes stinging from the tears threatening to flood out of your eyes. Mary herd the worry and anxiety in your voice as you spoke and she hugged you again.

"I'm sure he will accept it Y/n. And if he doesn't, i'll beat his ass." She said in a serious tone making you chuckle.

"Mary!" You laughed, not used to hearing her talk like that.

"What? That's what i'll do!" She laughed with you. "You need to tell him, okey? He'll be home in a few minutes." She said and you nodded, walking with her towards the door. She put her outerwear on and hugged you goodbye. "Call me later, alright?" She mumbled into your hair and you nodded lightly. "Bye"

"Bye" You smiled and closed the door behind her. You walked towards the kitchen in your and Brian's shared home, pouring water into a kettle to make some tea. You grabbed two mugs from a cabinet, placing them on the table along with a basked to biscuits. You herd the door open before it closed again.

"Hello?" Brian voice shouted from the hallway and you smiled to yourself, a pang of worry still spreading through you. You poured the tea into the mugs before you placed milk and honey on the table.

"In the kitchen!" You shouted as you sat down, grabbing your mug, holding it in front of your mouth with your hands. Brian walked into the kitchen with a small smile as he spotted you. "I made tea." You said and Brian nodded before he kissed your forehead gently. he sat down in front of you, looking at you with a faint smile. "What?" you laughed at his awestruck face.

"You're beautiful." He said, making you blush the slightest.

"Drink up your tea now" You chuckled and he did as he was told. "I have something to tell you." You started, the worry spreading even more as he looked at you with a questioning gaze.

"What? Did something happen?" He asked worridly and placed his mug down.

"No.." You trailed of and put your mug down as well. "I- I'm pregnant." You said calmly with a small smile. Brian looked at you for a moment before he spoke.

"Are you joking?" He asked.

"No, i'm not joking." You said with a small laugh.

"Are you not? Because if you are-" He started but you interrupted him with a laugh.

"Brian! I'm not joking! I took the test and everything." You smiled and he got up to hug you. You got up and he embraced you as he lift you up, burying his head into your neck. He prepared you neck and face with kisses as you laughed, holding onto him tightly. He kissed you gently before he spun you around.

"I love you so much Y/N"

"I love you more."

"That's not possible."

𝚋𝚘𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚛𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚢Where stories live. Discover now