thirteen ♔ roger taylor

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"So, what do you do for a living Y/n? Besides being a makeup artist." Roger Tayor asked you as you removed his makeup. You were a new make up artist and got the opportunity to be with Queen. They were finished with their music video for 'want to break free'.

"I am a leader of a children's choir." You said with a slight smile. "I love hearing their pure voices and seeing their bright faces as they sing their favorite songs." You chuckled as you thought about one special boy. "There's this boy and his name is Caleb. He absolutely adores Queen, always wants to sing your songs."

"Really? I guess we can pay them a visit then, right boys?" He asked his band mates who listened to your conversation. They nodded with smiles on their faces. "When's the next session?"

"Today, at six." You smiled brightly. "But you don't have to if you don't have time." You quickly added but they just shook their heads.

"We have time and we would love to Y/n, but it's in an hour so you better hurry up!" Brian laughed and your eyes widened as he spoke.

"Jesus Christ" You mumbled and started rubbing Roger's face quickly. Thirty minutes later you were seated in their car, speeding to your apartment to get your books and instruments. "I really need a hand, can someone help me carry some things?" You asked them sweetly as you were squished between John and Roger in the backseat.

"I'll help you." Roger said, towering over you in the tight space. You could feel the scent of his cologne and feel his muscles flex as he moved.

"Thanks" You smiled and Brian parked the car in front of the address you had given to him. You and Roger got out of the car and walked towards the apartment door. He was carrying your makeup bag as you struggled to open the old door to your apartment. "Welcome to my home." You said with a slight smile. It was a cozy home, a lot of dark furniture and plants along with your many instruments in your living room. You went towards your guitar and put i in its case before you grabbed your binder filled with songs.

"It's lovely Y/n, it really is." He said as he looked around at the pictures hanging on the walls.

"Thank you Roger, it means a lot." You smiled brightly. "Can you take my guitar and the keyboard over there, it has a handle on the side." You said and he grabbed it. You grabbed the stand for it along with your note-stand. You also grabbed your camera to take some photos. "I think that's it, we're ready to go." You said and put your binder under your arm. Roger walked out before you to the car and you locked the door. He had opened the trunk of the car and stood beside it, waiting for you. You quickly put your stuff in it and he closed it before he opened the car door for you. You thanked him with a smile and sat down in the middle seat, between him and John. Brian drove of to the church where the session would be at. You grabbed all of your things and walked inside with the others.

"Hey guys, we have some special guests today so you'll have to behave!" You smiled as you entered the room where the children were waiting. Many gasps was herd as they saw the four men walking behind you. "This is Freddie, John, Roger and Brian, but i bet you know them as Queen!" You smiled. Caleb quickly stood up and walked towards the band, along with a few others. They started talking and soon they were friends! You took your time to put all of your instrument and equipment up and they chatted away. You smiled at how good they were with kids. Soon you had put up everything and you clapped your hands to get their attention. "Stand in your places, it's time to start!" You said with a smile. "What song should we sing first?" You asked and pointed to a little girl as she rose her hand. "Yes Stina?"

"Bohemian rhapsody." She said with a smile and the others nodded agreeing with her. You nodded as you sat down by your keyboard.

"One two three, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?" You started and soon they all joined in. You started playing the piano and the verse came. "Mama, just killed a man..." Soon the song was over, since you skipped the opera part, and applauses were herd from both you and Queen. "Good job!" You smiled beamingly, proud. You sang a few more songs and soon the music hour was over. You took a few pictures of Queen with the kids before the kids left. Roger helped you pack up everything after the session, the two of you chatted lightly.

"So Y/n..." He started, a nervous look in his skye blue eyes. "I was wondering if maybe i can have your number?" He asked and you smiled slightly.

"Sure!" You smiled and ripped a piece of paper from your notebook, quickly writing your number down.

"Thanks, i'll call you" he smiled, putting the small note in his back pocket before you continued to clean, small smiles remaining on both of your lips as you did so.

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