eight ♔ john deacon

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"Tag! You're it!" John said before he ran of with all his might. Your five year old son, Vincent, ran behind him panting loudly, but he didn't give up. Soon, John came back into your sight and he ran towards you. He bent over and placed his hand on his knees, panting loudly. "Jesus Christ. I'm exhausted! So much energy in that little body." He said and looked down at you. You were sitting in the evening sun, reading a book while Mira, your two year old daughter, sat next to you. She was drawing lines all over the paper. Vincent ran up behind John, tagging him on the back.

"TAG! You're it daddy!" He squealed and ran of. John said and looked at you with a slight smirk. You shook your head with a pleading look in your eyes as he stepped closer. His smirk only got wider and wider the closer he got to you. Soon he tapped your arm lightly.

"Tag! You're it!" He exclaimed before he bolted of. You quickly stood up and ran after him. He squealed once he realized how close behind you were and ran even faster. You panted loudly as he and Vincent got further and further away from you. Soon, John slowed down and you tagged him lightly, breathing out. "You're pregnant, i feel bad." He laughed, kissing your forehead. "Go get some rest, love you." He said before he ran after Vincent once more. You walked back to your daughter and noticed she was missing. You called her name a few times before the panic started building up in your body. She was nowhere to be seen.

"Mira? Where are you my love? Mira?" You shouted as you walked inside your house. But she wasn't inside, nor was she on the backyard. "John? Do you know where Mira is? I can't find her!" You said and John tensed up at your words. He could see the panic in your eyes as you spoke. "I've looked inside, but she's not there."

"It's okey daring, she can't be far away." He said, hugging your side. "Have you checked in the front yard?" He asked you and you shook your head no. "Vincent, you want to watch The Gummy Bears? Let's go." John said and you all walked inside. John helped Vincent with the TV as you looked for Mira. But she wasn't there. Both you and John looked around the house and yard one more time, incase you had missed a place, but you couldn't find her.

Tears started rolling down your cheek as you realized what may have happened to her. She could have gotten hurt, kidnapped, hit by a car, killed. All kind of horrible thoughts flew through your head as you thought about your little girl. You sat down by the table with your head in your hands while John talked with Vincent. The doorbell rang and you jumped up, opening the door in one big swing.

"Oh Mira!" You said and hugged her tightly. "Where did you go?!" You asked and John came up behind you. He gasped and hugged her as well.

"I saw her on the street, petting a dog. I figured something was wrong." Roger said and you hugged him tightly.

"Thank you Roger, we've been looking all over for her." You smiled and took her from Johns arms. You walked inside with her and she leaned her head against your chest with a yawn. You took her into the bathroom to give her a quick bath before she fell asleep.

John walked inside, telling you that Roger had left and that he said bye to you. When Mira was clean, John lift her up, wrapping a white and fluffy towel around her small body. You grabbed a lotion and moisturised her body before you put her baby blue pajamas on. John put her to bed and you walked out to Vincent, telling him to brush his teeth and get ready for bed.

Soon, both of your children was fast asleep and you were alone with John. You watched a movie before you went to your bed.

He kissed you lightly before he pressed you down on the bed, starting to feel up your body. You moaned softly as his fingers flicked over your stiff nipples and he kissed you hungrily. He's started kissing you neck but then the door was opened.

"Mummy? Daddy? What are you doing?" Vincent asked as he stared at you, holding his favourite stuffed animal close to his body. You quickly pushed John of you and sat up in bed.

"Nothing love, we were just playing." You smiled. "You can't sleep?" You asked and he shook his head.

"Can I sleep with you and daddy?" He asked, looking at you with pleading eyes.

"Of course, come here" you said and patted the spot between you and John. John looked at you but you flipped him of, helping your son get comfortable. You laid down beside him, singing a lullaby as his breathing became slower every second. Soon, light snores was herd from the small child laying between you and your husband.

"Such a cockblocker." John mumbled as he laid down, looking at you over Vincent's sleeping body.

"He can't help that he can't fall asleep John" You said. "Good night, love you." You said with a small smile.

"Love you too."

unedited :(

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