fourteen ♔ joe mazzello

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You, Joe, Gwilym, Rami, Ben and Lucy were on a after party of a movie premiere. You and Lucy had both been drinking a lot of alcohol and weren't very clear in your minds. You were currently dancing wildly with the blonde as 'I kissed a girl' by Katy Perry started playing loudly. The crowd cheered and the DJ turned the volume up even more. The boys were casually dancing a few feet away from you and Lucy.

"I KISSED A GIRL AND I LIKED IT! THE TASTE OF HER CHERRY CHAPSTICK!" You and Lucy jumped closer, your arms wrapping around each others bodies. All of sudden, Lucy kissed you harshly, making your head jerk back, soon you kissed back, holding her small face in your hands.

But all of sudden, your body was jerked back, making you loose your grip on Lucy. Your face met a warm chest and you looked up to see your boyfriend Joe. He was taking with Rami who were holding Lucy, his girlfriend, close to his chest. Ben and Gwilym snickered behind you and you turned your head to look at them, making them go quiet. Soon you were outside, waiting for an uber to pick you and Joe up. The others had rented rooms at a hotel but you and Joe lived in a small apartment, a 20 minute car drive away from the party.

"Why are you so grumpy Joey?" You asked him, poking his cheek. He flinched away from your touch with a glare, sighing deeply.

" kissed Lucy"

"I didn't, she kissed me, i just kissed back" You smiled, "Are you jealous Joeyboo?" You said drunkily, poking his cheek once more. "You don't have to be, it was just for fun, every kiss doesn't mean something. Aaaaand i love you, not Lucy, well i love Lucy but i don't love love Lucy, ya know what i mean?" You rambled. Joe sighed and glared at you.

"Yeah, i get it" He said with a huff. "That's our uber, come on." He said grabbing your hand, pulling you towards the black SUV. You got in and Joe told the chauffeur the location of your apartment.

You got into the apartment and Joe went to the bathroom, he had been complaining the whole ride home that he was in a really big need to pee. When he got out Joe looked at you with a concerned look.

How is this gonna go?  He asked himself.

You were laying there, giggling at the texture of a mat that tickled your back. Joe shook his head at your child like state.

"Let's go Y/n, lets go to bed." He said and tried getting you up on your feet, but as soon as you stood up, you had to run for the bathroom. You quickly went to the toilet seat, with Joe hot on your heels, bent over and threw up. The liquor was no fun when it went up your throat, instead of down. Joe quickly gathered your hair in his left hand, unsure of what to do, he patted your back softly.

When you were done, you flushed the toilet quickly, not wanting him to see your old half digested food mixed with alcohol. The smell of it almost made you puke again so you quickly closed the lid. Joe helped you to stand again and you went to the living room. You laid down on the sofa, waiting for Joe, who were getting you some water. You started to drift to sleep but got interrupted by Joe.

"Y/N! Don't fall asleep! You need to get to the bedroom first". He said.

"Noooooo, i want to sleep noooow" You said and turned your back towards him.

"Yes, you can sleep, in the bedroom"

"No, i sleep perfectly fine right here." You said and looked at him over your shoulder. He was standing up straight with his hands on his hips. He took a deep breath ad tried to lift you up. He succeeded, but it was hard. You tried to get out of his tight grip but he wouldn't let go. You huffed in annoyance and gave up. Joe smirked, knowing that he got what he wanted. He let you down on your side of the bed. You sat on the edge of it, pouting.

Joe went to his wardrobe to change into his sleeping clothes. He turned his back towards you and you tried to escape, but he caught you. He grabbed some 'makeup remover wipes' from your nightstand. He knew that it wasn't good to sleep with makeup on. He carefully cleaned your annoyed face from the makeup and put it on your nightstand, to throw it tomorrow,

"Arms up" He said, and you did as he said, but avoided eye contact. He pulled your dark red dress off your body and threw it in the laundry basket. Then he went to grab your black silky night gown and put it on you. He reached to your bra and unclasped it, he knew you hated to sleep in your bra so he decided to take it of off you. He put it on the dresser and when he tured back to you, you were laying underneath the covers with a annoyed facial expression. He smirked but made sure that you didn't see it. He laid down on his side of the bed and turned the light of.

"Y/n, come here." He said but you didn't move. "Y/n?"

"I don't want to cuddle, Joe."










"Oh bloody hell Joseph! No!"

"I won't be able to sleep if you're not in my arms" He said and you sighed, finally giving in.

"Oh sure, you little fart." You said and let him embrace you.

"I love you Y/n"

"I love you too, Joeyboo." You said and closed your eyes. Not long after that, the two of you fell asleep.

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