seventeen ♔ john deacon

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*fluff, smut and then fluff again*

You admired the brunette as he stood on the stage, dancing to the upbeat music. His eyes were closed, and he was lip-syncing to the song that Freddie was preforming. You were on a Queen concert and you were standing backstage. Your older brother Roger wanted you to come with him on the tour, and you happily agreed. You were currently in your hometown.

You always had a crush on John, ever since you met him. You met him the first time they all played together, Freddie, Brian, Roger and John. You noticed that he looked at you as well, but quickly got rid of the thought that he was attracted to you.

And here you were, four years later and you still had a crush on the long haired man. Roger didn't know, but Brian did. You and Bri actually dated in high school, but then you realized that you were better of as friends, and you were right. Brian was your best friend, you always hung out and a lot of people thought that you were dating, but you quickly convinced them that you were best friends.

"Thank you so much my darlings! Thank you! Have a wonderful night! Goodbye! We love you!" Freddie said and they began walking of the stage. You smiled brightly at them as they saw you, and they smiled back.

"You guys! You did so good!" You said and hugged all of their sweaty bodies. They all had been a bit nervous for this show since it was pretty big, but they did it flawlessly.

"Thank you, my Love." Freddie said with a big smile. "Now, let's celebrate!" He said and soon you were inside his house where he had thrown a huge party. You sat in one of his armchairs, sipping on a drink while speaking with Roger and Brian. The sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted your conversation. You turned around and saw Deaky standing there, looking nervous.

"H-Hey Y/n, do you want to d-dance?" He asked, making you smile. Brian smirked at you, knowing about your crush. But Roger was oblivious and just looked at him.

"I would love to Johnnyboy!" You smiled, standing up to take his hand. You waved goodbye to your brother and friend before pulling John through the dancing bodies. You reached the middle of the dance floor and 'You're the one that i want' by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John started playing. "I got chiiiiiills, they're multiplying, and i'm loosing control, cause the power you're supplying, it's electrifying!." You sang drunkly, dancing happily with John. He laughed and sang Sandy's part, making you laugh even louder.

Soon 'Bridge over troubled water' by Simon & Garfunkel started playing and you got closer to John, closing the gap between the two of you. You wrapped you arms around his neck and he wrapped his around your waist, bringing you even closer to him. You rested your head on his chest and you hummed to the song, eyes closed. You didn't notice John admiring you and your soft humming.

"Y/n" He said softly making you look up at him. You looked into his brown eyes, and they started right back into your e/c orbs. The world stood still for a moment, the music fading in your ears as he leaned closer to your face. Just and inch from your lips he stopped, looking at you to see if you were okey with it. Instead of answering you leaned closer and closed the gap between your faces. Your lips molded perfectly with his and your eyes fluttered shut. You tilted your head slightly to the side, letting hime come even closer to you. "You want to go upstairs?" He asked you as you let go of the kiss, feeling light as a feather. You nodded and he grabbed your hand, leading your upstairs to one of Freddie's guest rooms. Once you closed the door, Johns lips were latched on your neck. You let out a breathy laugh and tilted your head, tugging at his long hair.

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