five ♔ ben hardy

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* smut *
You walked out on the red carpet with a big smile on your face. Your red satin dress swaying by your feet as you walked, your golden jewelry clinking softly. Ben walked right next to you, keeping an arm secure around your waist, afraid that you would get lost. This was the oscars, thousands of people attended the gala, it was easy to loose one another in the crowd. You came to a halt and you and Ben posed for the many cameras in front of you. You could feel Ben leaning closer to you and soon you felt his breath on your ear.

"It takes every cell in my body to stop me from slamming you against a wall, fucking you until you can't walk." he murmured with a slight smirk, kissing your ear softly. You tensed up before you replied.

"You can save that for later, love" You spoke, a blush creeping up on your cheek as you bit your lip. You herd a deep chuckle from him as you spoke.

"Trust me, i am." He said before he stood up with a small smile on his lips.

You looked to your left, only to see Joe looking right back at you with a disgusted facial expression.

"I'm going to pretend i didn't hear that." He said, making you chuckle. "And my room is next to yours, i'm not getting a minute of sleep." He sighed. You hit his chest lightly as you laughed.

♔ after the gala ♔

"Goodnight Gwilym, Joe" You said as you walked into your and Ben's shared hotel room. Ben said his last goodbyes to his good friends before he walked after you. He shut the door behind him, removing his white suit jacket as you walked into the bathroom, removing your makeup.

You brushed your teeth before you slipped out of your dress, grabbing one of Ben's t-shirts that laid inside the bathroom. As you started flossing your teeth. Ben walked inside, only wearing his black boxers he started brushing his teeth. You threw the flossing thread in the trashcan before you walked towards the bed, laying down. You grabbed your phone while you waited for Ben and soon the bathroom door was closed.

Ben walked towards you with a faint smirk on his face as you put your phone down. You hadn't forgotten about the things he said earlier, and neither had he. He laid down on top of you, starting to kiss your neck lightly as your hands went through his hair. A soft moan escaped your lips as he bit down and started to suck on the sensitive skin. Your hands traveled over his bare back as he gently blew air on the fresh bruise, sending goosebumps all over your body. His hands traveled to the hem of the oversized t-shirt you were wearing, quickly taking it of you. Your bare chest was revealed and he started to suck on your aching nipples. You tugged at his blonde hair as his kisses trailed down your body, toward your womanhood. He kissed your cloth covered wood, making the millions of nerves go crazy. You groaned at his teasing, pulling even more at his hair.

"Please," You whimpered. "Touch me Ben." You begged, making his jaw clench in reaction to you begging his name. He ripped your panties of before he shoved two of his fingers inside of you. You squealed at the sudden contact, spreading your legs to feel even more. His tongue circled around your clitoris before he started to suck on it, making your legs twitch in pleasure. "Oh god, Ben" You moaned, your head laying back on the soft pillow as your back arched up. His fingers pumped into you over and over, making you feel incredibly good.

You soon felt the acing pleasure growing in the pit of your stomach. "Oh Gooooood!" You moaned as you felt your climax coming closer every second. "I'm going to cu- oh my god!" You moaned as the wave of pleasure went over your body. Ben quickly licked your juices up, before he went up to you again. He kissed you roughly, making you taste yourself on his lips. Your trembling hands groped his  crotch, making him groan deeply at your touch.

"Jesus Y/n" He moaned and you straddled his waist, grinding yourself against his already hard member. He gripped your bum harshly as you kissed his neck and chest sloppily. You sat down between his legs and removed his tight boxers, making his cock sprung free and hit his stomach. You grabbed the base of it and moved your hand up and down while you licked the pre-cum of his tip.

You looked deep into his eyes as you took his member into your mouth inch by inch until you hit the base of it. A quiet choke left your throat as he pressed your head even further down. He guided your head up and down for a minute, groaning loudly. You put a hand on his stomach, signaling that you had to get air. He lifted your head up and a string of saliva connected you and his cock.

The sight almost made him cum and he quickly lifted you up. You stood on all four and he slammed himself into you without a warning. You yelped out in pleasure and your arms gave in. Your head rested on your folded arms as he pounded wildly into you. He grabbed your hair, lifting your head up he kissed your neck roughly. "You like that, don't you? You like it when i fuck you this hard." He hissed into your ear, pressing your head down in the mattress.

"Yes i do! i really do!" You moaned, turning your head to the side. He turned you around as he herd that you were close to your second climax. He wanted to see you come undone in front of him. You wrapped your legs around his waist, making him come in way deeper. "Ben, oh my god, Ben" You moaned loudly as you felt your second orgasm coming closer. "BEN!" You moaned as you came, panting loudly as your legs twitched from all the pleasure that was given to you.

A deep moan escaped his mouth as he watched you intently, a satisfied look in his eyes. His thrusts became sloppier each second and a string moans escaped his pink lips. His warm cum shot inside of you and his arms gave up after the intense orgasm. He kissed you softly before he rolled off you, making you shiver at the loss of warmth. You both got under the covers and he wrapped his arms around you. He kissed your shoulder as he whispered good night, and soon, you both fell asleep.

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