six ♔ brian may

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You watched your husband in awe as your two children sat on his lap. Harry and Edith were twins, only three years old, but they still had a huge interest in music, just like their father. They were sharing a pair of headphones, listening to Brian's new song, '39.

"So what do you think of daddy's song?" He asked them as the song came to an end, placing the headphones on the bench beside him.

"I love it!" Edith giggled and buried her face in Brian's brown locks, something that the both of your children got from him.

"Enough if that! Come here little angel!" Roger said, grabbing Edith. Roger was her godfather and they had a really close relationship.

"Uncle Roger!" Edith giggles as he carried her towards his drum kit. His drum kit was his most priced possession and he didn't let anyone touch it, except for Edith and himself. She had him wrapped around her finger. Roger showed Edith the drums, let her play even, whilst Brian showed Harry the guitar. After a few minutes, Edith lays her eyes on you and a look of happiness spread in her eyes. "Mummy!" She shouted and ran towards you. You hunched down to greet her hug with open arms. She ran into them and soon Harry joined in as well.

"Argh I love you so much!" You said, kissing their heads. They ran outside and you stood up, immediately greeted by Brian. He kissed you gently, pulling your hips closer to his. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he lifted you up on the counter behind. He started to kiss your neck and you tilted your head to the side so he could get more access. After a few moments you herd children's laughter coming towards you. "Bri, the kids." You said and he sighed deeply before pecking your lips once more.

"Also, I'm still here, and I don't want to see you shag." Roger piped up from behind the drum set, startling both you and Brian. You laughed before you let each other go and you walked out to your kids. "Edith! Harry! Let's take a look on the chickens, look how cute they are!" You exclaimed and they ran towards you. You just smiled as they carefully touched one of the hens, happy that you got these beautiful children with the love of your life.

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