eleven ♔ ben hardy

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"Hey Y/n." Your brother said as you walked into your living room. You and Joe shared an apartment and he was home from filming Bohemian Rhapsody. He and Ben sat on the sofa, both smiling at you.

"Hi Joe, Ben." You smiled, fixing your dress as you laid your eyes on Joe's good friend. Ben was ten years older than you, but you still had a huge crush on the blonde man. But you realized that you and Ben would never happen so you got Tinder and were on your way to a date.

"Where are you off to?" Joe asked as he saw your tight dress and curled hair. You smiled slightly before you answered.

"A date" You said and for some reason Ben snapped his head towards you as you said the word. Joe smirked goofily, not noticing his friends action.

"Oooo, with who?" 

"Just a tinder guy, his name is Leo." You said and Joe's smile dropped.

"Tinder guy? Do you know how many girls that have been killed, murdered or raped by tinder guys? You're not going." He said, staring at you.

"I think i can make decisions for myself Joe, and i'm going. He's really sweet, and he likes marvel, thats a big plus." You smiled. "I'll be okey." You said, kissing Joe's cheek goodbye. You smiled at Ben and he stiffly smiled back.

"Call me if anything happens okey? Have a good time, bye." 

"Bye bye." You said and walked out the door. Leo was a few years older than you, 23 to be exact, and you were 18. And the moment you laid your eyes on him, you already felt that he wasn't the one for you. He looked okey and he was kind, but you just didn't really click. You went to a restaurant and chatted for a while, but you could barely hold a conversation for three minutes. You said your goodbyes with a hug and you made your way to your and Joe's apartment again. "Hello!" You shouted as you walked in through the door, removing your boots as you closed the door.

"Hey, how was the date?" Joe shouted from the living room.

"It wasn't very good." You said, leaning your body against the doorframe to the living room where Ben and Joe still were sitting, playing Mario Cart.  

"Why? Did he do something?" Joe asked, pausing the game to look at you.

"No, we just didn't click." You said, walking past them to your room. Joe nodded and started the game again.

"Hey mate, i just need to go to the loo, be right back" Ben said in his thick accent. The bathroom were just a door away from your room, so he walked behind you. You could feel his eyes burning holes into your back, but then you herd the bathroom door close. You walked into your room, removing the uncomfortable dress as you closed the door. You put on a pair of grey sweatpants and looked for a shirt but just as you did, the door opened. Ben walked inside, looking mad. You looked at him with a questioning gaze, your white lace bralette the only thing preventing him from seeing your breasts. He walked towards you after he closed the door and you stood up straight.

"Ben wha-" You started but he pressed you against the wall, putting his hands on either side of your head, preventing you from getting away. He towered over you and you felt his warm breath hit your face.  "Ben?"

"What do you think you are doing?" He asked huskily, you gulped and met his eyes in confusion. You didn't know what you had done to make him mad. "You come out, looking sexy as hell, saying that you're going on a date." He growled and everything hit you, he was jealous. "How do you think that feels for me?"

"I don't know, can you show me?" You said, looking at him through your eyelashes. His green eyes started deeply into yours, lust and hunger filling them. He bent down and kissed you harshly, forcing his tongue into your mouth. You opened your mouth, giving him more access as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His hands traveled down to your bum, signaling for you to jump and wrap your legs around his waist. You did just what he wanted you to and he pressed his crotch harshly against yours, making you both moan into each others mouths. He continued to grind against you, making you wetter and him harder. 

You pulled at his white t-shirt desperately, wanting it off. He broke of the heated kiss, removing his shirt in one swift moment. He attacked your neck with kisses and love bites as he unclipped your bra, exposing your breasts in front of him. He bent his head down, sucking and biting at your nipples, tingles spreading through your body. Your hands traveled down to his belt, unbuckling it with trembling hands, the clinking echoing though your room. You unbuttoned his jeans and he kicked them off. Your hand grabbed his hard cock through his boxers, stroking it up and down and he groaned in your neck, the vibrations feeling nice against your skin.

 You took your sweatpants of, leaving you in your white lace panties. Ben's hand pressed against your heated core, rubbing it as he kissed you roughly. Your wetness escaped onto his fingers, making him smirk slightly. He pulled his boxers down and moved your panties to the side. He guided his cock between your folds, letting them embrace him. But then he shoved himself inside of you, making you gasp in surprise. He started to fuck you, slow at first but soon he quickened his pace. You wrapped your arms around his neck, moaning gently in his ear. 

This made him groan and press you down on your desk. He pounded widely into you, pressing his hand over your mouth to prevent you from making sounds. Neither one of you wanted Joe to hear that you were fucking. He pulled your head up by your hair, putting a hand around your throat as the back of your head rested against his chest. You felt your climax building up as he thrusted himself harder into you. He turned you around so you were sitting on the desk and you wrapped your legs around his waist, laying down. This made him go way deeper into you and you pulled at his hair, biting your lip to prevent you from screaming his name. You felt the heat in your stomach and soon you were a trembling mess. Your body was twitching from the intense orgasm and Ben kept pounding into you.

"Ohh good Y/n." He quietly whimpered, burying his face in your neck as his climax started to build up. He let out a breathy moan as he pulled out of you, letting his warm cum squirt on your chest and face. He breathed heavily as he helped you up, kissing you gently, different from the lustful and needy kisses before. "You want to go out sometime?" He asked, out of breath from the earlier events. You smiled as you nodded your head yes, kissing his swollen lips gently. He smiled and kissed your cheek before he turned around, putting his boxers on. You put on a loose dress over your naked body. "Here, put your number in" He said, handing you his phone and you did what he said as he put his clothes on. You handed his phone back and he smiled at you, kissing your lips before he walked out with a wave, leaving you amazed.

"Hey, what took you so long?" You herd Joe ask as Ben walked out to him, making you chuckle slightly, luckily he didn't hear you and Ben. You walked into your bathroom to take a shower, thinking about Ben all the time.

what's up with me writing ben hardy smut? lol

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