CHP. 2

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I had began to walk home, nursing my hot chocolate in a desperate attempt to warm up my hands. My mind kept drifting back to that boy I met at the café. It's not like I have his name or anything, so I don't have any information on him. No matter how hard I tried not to, all I could think of was the nice guy who bought me hot chocolate.

I reached my house and the cup was half empty. I opened the door and saw my friend, Sylvianna, who practically lived here. I live by myself, as my parents didn't care enough to take care of me once I turned thirteen, so I ditched them and moved to Tulsa from an equally trashy town, and met Sylvianna.

"Hey, Sylvie. Up to anything interesting?" I greeted, seeing her curled up in a blanket while watching cartoon on the TV.

"Just eating my weight in various snacks. But how about you? You're not looking too hot. What's wrong?" Sylianna asks me looking up from the TV and motioning me to come over to her. I take off my boots and throw my jacket onto a chair, flopping down on the couch.

"Come on, Casey. What's going on with you?" She asks me and I respond with a long groan.

"James and I are over. And I was pissed off before, but now I'm just sad and feel bad about myself," I say, whining.

"I know, I know. It sucks. He was a great guy-"

"A great guy wouldn't hurt me. Or cheat on me with a soc." Sylvianna throws a knit blanket onto my body.

"Oh shit, she's a soc?" She asks while moving my head from her legs to change the channel to one that was playing Mary Poppins.

"Did you go to the café?" She asked me, repositioning herself on the couch. I sit up.

"Yeah, but then I saw James there so I ran out." Sylvianna looked sad and I saw she was about to speak.

"But, you know," I say with a slight smile, "there was this really sweet guy." Sylvie gasps.

"Tell me about it"

"When I saw him I could barely form a coherent sentence, he was so pretty. And then he bought me hot chocolate, completely unprompted! If was so cute," I say, picking up my hot chocolate and taking a sip. It was barely warm anymore, but why waste it?

"Well, what was his name?" Sylvianna asks, at the edge of her seat. I put my hot chocolate down and melt onto the sofa.

"Not a clue."

"You sound head over heels for this guy and you don't even know his name?!" I sighed.

"I know. I'm pathetic. He left before I could get his name. One of his friends called him," I mumble. Sylvianna rolls her eyes.

"You would've heard his name if his stupid friend called it."

"Yeah, well, I clearly didn't hear, so get off my back, Sylv," I say bitterly, sitting up straight and wrapping the blanket around my head and body.

"Okay, I get it. I'm sorry. Now why don't you lay down and wallow in self pity for a while and I'll go buy some ice cream." Sylvianna stands up and walks to the front door.

"Thanks Sylv." She sent me a kind smile, and then she was off.


After about half an hour later (we don't have a car. I have a motorcycle, but she doesn't ride it), Sylvianna has gotten back from the store with a tub of chocolate-marshmallow-mint ice cream and one of strawberry-banana (we shared both of them, but I was quite protective of mine), both of which were kind of melted, but that's okay.

"Thanks. I appreciate you more than you know," I say with my arms reached out for the ice cream. Sylvie keeps walking and goes into the kitchen.

"You need a spoon." She walks back into the TV room and hands me my tub of chocolate.

"Really? Cause I was just gonna eat it with my hands," I say while opening up the container and getting ready to reach my hand in. I honestly would've gone through with it for the bit, but she just rolled her eyes at me and threw a spoon into hand instead.

"You know," I start saying while still looking at the TV. "I met another guy."

"I know, Casey. You already told me."

"No, no, no. This is a different guy," I say matter-of-fact-ly while holding up my spoon.

"He has a cool name. I remember it. Ponyboy," I say. Sylvia snorts.

"I'm sorry, Ponyboy?!" She starts laughing hysterically and I just roll my eyes.

"I think it's fun. Original. Ya know?" Sylvia doesn't answer because she's busy pissing herself laughing, and I simply continue watching Mary Poppins.

"Oh, shush. He's a nice guy." I took another scoop of my ice cream, and then one from Sylvie's.

"That doesn't make it any less funny!" I roll my eyes.

"Are you done?" I ask her as she stands up.

"I need to take a little walk," she says and mumbled something about Ponyboy, followed by a loud laugh.


hey y'all:) how's your day? mine was okay i guess. my fake friend is kind of an asshole but i'm surviving. wish me luck!

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