CHP. 16

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I didn't listen to a word Dally and Johnny said when they were 'discussing' turning themselves in. I was too busy thinking about what would be better. I had made a PROS and CONS list in my mind.

For example, if they were to turn themselves in, they could end up in prison and turn out like Dally (mean and cold), they could be sentenced to death, or they could get a trial and miraculously get off the hook and live happy and free lives. But, if I can be honest, if they didn't turn themselves in, they'd end up living in that shit-hole for forever or the fuzz would find 'em.

I was about to make a comment but I was distracted.

"Does anyone else smell smoke?" I say looking around for fire. My eyes widened as my gaze fell on the church. I looked over at Dallas.

"Remember that time I said something like this could happen? Because I sURE DO!" I yell at him and immediately jump out of the car and run toward the church. I heard Dally yell at me to come back, but that only made me ignore him even more. I was angry at him for not listening to me about the whole 'church setting on fire' thing.

I ran toward a huddle of people, two of which were adults, the rest were little kids. One of them said there were kids missing, and I didn't even take a second to think before I ran over to the church and kicked in a couple of boards to get in. Apparently, Pony, Johnny, and Sylvie had the same idea, because not long after I was choking on smoke, the three of them were too.

We walked through the burning church, looking for the kids, stepping over broken beams, and overall endangering our lives. But soon, we reached a corner where there were quite a few children.

Pony broke the weak boards that were closing the windows up and Dallas was there, quite conveniently. I gave him a small smile, and he nodded back in response.

One by one, we were loading kids out of the church. I'm pretty sure one of them bit Pony at some point, but I was too distracted to laugh at him and make a snarky comment.

There were three kids left, but they were further away. As soon as I was about to get them, I heard the church crack. I knew it was going to collapse. I looked at Sylvianna and she looked back with a knowing look. We both knew the shit was about to hit the fan, and that shit was going to hit hard.

"I got the kids, make sure you, Pony, and Johnny are out and safe. No matter what." She nodded hesitantly, and I heard her tell them to get out. I got the last kids over to the broken window, when I heard a large crack and that's when I knew. I pushed the kids out of the window as gently as I could, and that's when I felt a hand grab my arm and yank me out so fast and aggressively, I was launched out and I practically flew ten feet in front of me.

"Oh my god, Casey! I'm sosososo sorry!!" I hear a voice apologize profusely and pull me up to my feet. I was in shock as I watched the church crumple and the flames grow larger. I looked over and hugged the person as hard and great fully as I could.

"You saved my life. No need to apologize." He hugged me back and I pulled out of the hug after a couple seconds. I continued staring at the church, watching as it turned darker and darker with ash, deteriorating horrifyingly quick.

I came back to reality when Dallas came over, grabbing my shoulders aggressively and shaking me.

"What the fuck were you thinking? Going in there was suicide!" He yelled at me for a couple seconds longer than necessary, but he ended it with saying, "You're so stupid. I don't think you understand how scared I was. I hate you, ya know that?"

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