CHP. 14

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I have no clue how I've managed to keep myself together this long, but having breakfast with the guys this morning is the hardest thing I have ever done.

Dally told the cops Pony, Johnny, and Sylvianna were in Texas, which prompted Two-Bit to think it was a good idea to head on down to Texas and search for them himself. This resulted in me yelling (crying) at a hysterical Keith Mathews in a desperate attempt to keep him in Tulsa, thus ending it with a long talk on the couch about how everything will work itself out (he ended up calling me a psycho bitch and tried to storm out, but after a nap he apologized and said he would never disrespect a woman again- which I know isn't completely true, but it's the thought that counts).

That ended up in everyone quietly poking at their eggs (eggs and jam in Soda's case) and staying quiet. Soda and Steve ended up going to work about a half hour later and Two-Bit heading home because his mother needed help with his sister. I made sure to call his mom and tell to make sure he doesn't go ballistic and run off to Texas.

Darry went to work ten minutes after our argument-thing. I wish he took the day off. He's clearly not doing well and I wish there was something I could do without telling anyone I knew where they were. This morning was hard and I was hoping I would never have to experience something as emotionally exhausting as this whole situation.


"So where exactly is this 'Jay Mountain' you speak of?" I ask Dally as I enjoy the car ride. He drove recklessly. I'd say the word 'reckless' is a bit of an understatement. He drives like a blind bat attacking its prey, but it's fun. I like the rush.

"Or are you lying about all of this and taking me to the middle of nowhere to murder me and harvest my organs so you can sell them on the black market?" I ask as a follow-up. He shrugged.

"Well, I'm thinking, if the whole thing with Pony and Johnny doesn't work out, I'll take them with me to Utah after I get the money from selling your organs." I laugh and he smirks with a light chuckle.

"Can you actually tell me what this place is?" I ask, the humour leaving my voice as the sentence goes on. He jerks the car sharply to the left and I nearly drop the piece of paper in my hands I've been fiddling with. Now that would be devastating.

The paper happens to be a letter from the one and only Sodapop Curtis.

"Soda, I've told you already. I'm not going to see them. Hell, I don't even know where they are!" I lie painfully.

"I know. You said you're going to your sister's to 'work things out', but please. Just take it. You don't even have to give anything back to me, I just need Pony to know Darry's sorry and everyone is hoping for the best. That goes for Pony, Johnny, and Sylvianna. I didn't know her for long, but no kid deserves this. I'm begging you, Casey." Of course he just had to bring up Sylvianna. He looks at me with his stupid eyes and his stupid face and comply even though I know Dally's gonna kill me.

"It's just an old church. They should be fine. I thought I told you all of this when they showed up?" I roll my eyes and snarl at him.

"I was a bit freaked out, you know. My best friend got caught up in a murder because she went looking for me when I was in your room making fun of your middle name and not having sex with you. So, yes, you probably told me, but I was scared and confused and wanted to cry, so I was a bit preoccupied." I close my eyes and lean back in my seat.

Dally smirked and turned sharply.

"We're almost there."


this was really short and i apologize.

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