CHP. 9

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I hadn't seen the gang in around a day or two. I wasn't planning on going to see them. Not that I didn't enjoy their company, I didn't think that they'd wanted to talk to me.

Sylvia left yesterday to go to her grandmother's cottage, so I was alone for a week or two. It really depended on how Syvie's grandma was feeling.

I decided on going for a walk. Yes, I know it's not good for a greaser - especially a female one at that - to walk by themselves, but I enjoyed walking and if some soc wanted to fuck with me, then so be it.

There wasn't much to do here in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but I made do with what I had. Usually I go to the park and read or draw or something like that. The park was a safe place during the middle of the day because parents were there with their young children and people don't really start fights around them.

I grabbed my canvas over the shoulder bag with my sketch book, pencils, and eraser, along with two stumps.

I stepped outside and locked the door, stuffing my key in my bag. As I was walking, I saw a blue Mustang roll slowly beside me. I breathed in nervously, biting my cheek. They honked the horn.

"What's a pretty girl like yourself doing on this side 'a town, Casey?" He asked. Bob Sheldon; a big time soc who I didn't necessarily like. I kept a straight face.

"What's it to you?" I said simply, staying neutral. I tried to avoid being rude. I liked this shirt and I didn't want to risk getting blood on it, whether it was mine or theirs. I continued walking.

"What's the hurry, baby? Where you going?" He pried. I internally rolled my eyes.

"Fuck off, Bob." I said with a cheerful smile.

"TELL HIM, ROSIE!" I heard a familiar voice call from a bit behind me. I turned and saw Two-Bit and the rest of the gang. That wasn't including Soda and Steve, which I was kind of disappointed about not seeing Soda. I liked him. I think it was romantically, but I knew I had to lay off. He most likely had a girl, and I was okay with that. It's not like we were in love. We met a few times and that was it. The rest of the gang laughed as they walked closer.

"You're hanging out with this gang of losers? Wow, didn't think you'd stoop that low," he said, earning a laugh from the guy sitting beside him (Randy Adderson). I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, well, your hair is crusty as hell, and that's a little embarrassing." I said, struggling to come up with a cool comeback, so I simply said he had dumb hair. It was true. For a rich bastard, he could really go for a grooming.

Bob snarled and got out of the car, Randy and four other guys following. How many guys could he fit in that damn car? Like, we're there guys sitting on the floor? On each other's laps? Like, how???

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a deep voice spoke threateningly from behind me. I turned to see Darry. I never realized how small I was compared to practically everyone until I was surrounded by a bunch of tall, muscular boys. My shoulders tensed up a bit, but I tried not to show my discomfort.

I was praying there wasn't going to be a fight. I was kind of in the middle of the two gangs and I wasn't up for accidentally being clocked in the nose. I had my hand in my pocket, resting on my switchblade.

Darry was standing beside me protectively. Two-Bit had him arm around my shoulder, Dally was standing behind me, Pony looked ready to fight despite being a 14 year old, and Johnny looked scared just about to death. I smiled politely.

Bob scowled, realizing he wouldn't win. He motioned for them to get back in the car. I flipped them off and said,

"Get fucked, loser." I smiled. He grumbled and drove away.

I turned around and started walking, the guys beside me.

"Darry, I don't know if you know this, but your very tall and muscular and it's kind of terrifying. Like, I feel like a tiny porcelain doll standing next to you and it's both scary and somehow calming??" I said. Darry chuckled and the rest of the gang laughed.

"Like, that can't be the first time someone's said that to you." I began walking backwards so I could face the gang. He shakes his head.

"Well it's never been put like that before," he said. "You really just speak your mind, don't you?" Darry asked. I looked behind me to make sure I wasn't going to bump into anyone (I was still walking backwards). I nodded in agreement.

"Well, yeah. Why should I not tell people what I think and have them digging for the truth, when I could give them the answer upfront without any work?" I say. "Sometimes I just start talking without a real definite end to my sentence— like I'm doing it right now. I have no idea where I'm going with this idea, but I just keep on talking," I said matter-of-fact-ly, turning forward and walking normally.

"Where are you going?" Ponyboy asked. I kept walking, my docs clunking along with me.

"The park. I like to draw the scenery," I say, turning back to look at him. Two-Bit perked up, clearly about to say something about me drawing him - or Mickey Mouse. Or him as Mickey Mouse. I cut him off before he could say anything.

"I am not drawing any of you. No offence, but I don't draw people I know. If I do, I wouldn't tell them, either," I said, nearly apologetic. Two-Bit was saddened by this, but he doesn't let anything bring his mood down.

We walked by the DX and it seemed that was the guys destination. "You comin' in?" Asked Dallas. Last time I saw him, he was just about ready to murder me. What's changed? I shrugged it off and decided to go in with them. I was almost murdered by some socs, I deserved a Coke.

I smiled at him. "Sure." He nodded and I caught up with them.


fun fact: i have been in love with dallas winston since i read the book for the first time. i eventually started to like soda more, but there will always be a place in my heart that can never let go of him.

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