CHP. 17

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As I stepped out of the hospital room, I was praying that I wouldn't see Soda or Darry. But of course, I'm not that lucky, so as I turned down the hallway, I immediately saw them having a cute family moment and all three of them in a group hug. So I took this as an advantage and I slowly walked down the other way, careful to not make a sound.

I was turning around to leave the hospital once I decided they weren't going to look back at me, but only to hear a distant "Casey?" I turned around and the Curtis brothers were staring at me, glossy eyed. I couldn't tell why they were like that, but I hoped it wasn't in anger. I don't know what I would do if they were angry with me.

Soda walked at me fast and soon the other two were following. I began to get scared. I thought they would yell at me or something, but nothing would've prepared me for what happened.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me harder and more loving than any hug I had ever experienced. I don't know why. It could've been the sheer amount of raw emotion, the fact I almost died, guilt, or I had held everything in for so long that I just broke, but regardless of the reason, I burst out into tears.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so, so sorry for lying to you! I knew I should have told you, but I was scared the fuzz would get to them if I did- I should have- I'm just so sorry!" I cried into Sodas shoulder and held on to him as if he would turn to dust at any given second. He just rubbed my back and whispered sweet nothings into my ear.

My sobs soon turned into pathetic whimpering as I sniffled and kept whispering how I was sorry.

"It's not your fault, hun. It's okay. We're okay." I heard Darry say from behind me and wrap his arms around me and Soda. Pony did as well and we stayed like that until I stopped crying.

I turned to Darry. I looked up at him and wiped my nose and then my cheeks. All I saw when I looked at him was the time he broke down in the kitchen. How hurt he was. How bad he felt. I could have changed it all there and then. But I didn't.

"You're not angry with me?" I asked, sniffing. "And don't just say no because I'm crying. Tell me and be real about it."

"I can't be mad at you. You saved my kid brother. You saved us all, Case. And you don't even know it," He spoke softly. I smiled. And that's when realization hit me.

"Shit. Where's Sylv-"

"CASEYYYYYYYY!" A dramatic warrior-like cry came from behind me, followed by a large weight landing on my back. I guess realization wasn't the only thing that hit me at that moment, because Sylvianna practically knocked the life out of me wth impact of her latching into my torso.

"Awh! I'm so glad you're okay, sweetie." I turned around after pushing her off me and hugged her, which she gladly returned. She pushed me off as soon as I finished my sentence.


"I'm older than you."

"BY ONE MONTH. JUST ONE!" She yelled. I rolled my eyes and patted her on the arm.

"Glad we're both okay, sweetheart."

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