CHP. 3

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Yesterday was a long, long day. I walked in on James cheating with Cherry Valance (a big time soc who was very pretty in my opinion. She could do so much better than him) and a boy bought me hot chocolate never told me his name.

At 10:30 AM, I woke up today and saw it was no longer raining. The sky was bright and beautiful and the grass was bright and green from all the rain. Now that I think about it, the entirety of last week kind of sucked. But maybe that was all just in preparation for this week. Maybe this week would be different.

I rolled out of bed, nearly smacking my head on my desk, and walked over to my dresser to find some clothes to wear, deciding on a horizontally striped shirt and some pants.

Walking down the stairs, I bid Sylvianna (who was sleeping on my couch) "good morning", and began to make breakfast. She tried to convince me to make purple pancakes, but I denied he request and made regular ones. Not because I'm boring, but because last time our teeth were stained purple for nearly a week.

It was around 1:00 PM when I decided to take a ride on my motorcycle down to the café. I threw on my blue jean jacket and walked out onto my driveway and into my garage.

"Hello, my love," I say to my motorcycle, swinging my leg over and hopping on. I kick the kickstand up and hobble out of the garage, swiftly closing the door. I turn it on, rev the engine, and I was off to the café.

I stopped in a soc-y looking parking lot (meaning it was filled with expensive cars) so they wouldn't stab a hole in my tires. It's happened once or twice, as it isn't uncommon for intoxicated socs to slash tires for kicks.

I ruffled my shoulder length hair and turned to see three greaser-lookin boys hanging around the edge of the parking lot, two of which offered a long, low whistle. I rolled my eyes and smiled in their direction, offering a lazy wave, making my way into the café.

When I walked in, I looked around and my eyes landed on a boy - the boy I saw yesterday. The one who bought me hot chocolate. I froze and panicked. I watched him sit down at a table and I didn't see him with anyone. I ordered and gave the lady a note to give to him with the coke. I paid,
leaving without buying anything for myself.

The boys from before had walked over to where I was parked and I saw that one of them was Ponyboy.

"Oh, hey, Ponyboy." I smiled while stuffing my hands in my pockets.

"So you know the hot broad?" One of the three asked. He had eyes that told stories and a smile that held pain and despair, but he hid it quite well. I rolled my eyes.

"Call me 'broad' again, I'll bust your kneecaps." I smile angelically. The other boy (I've yet to learn either of their names) smirks and Ponyboy tries to hold in a grin.

"What did you say to me?" He walks closer to me and stares down in an attempt to intimidate me. I put on a straight face.

"I'm sorry, could you not hear over the sound of your ego?" Ponyboy snorted and I continued. "But I said, 'call me 'broad' again, I'll bust your kneecaps."

We stared at each other and I could see the gears in his brain turning and twisting in a desperate attempt to find a comeback. At this point I felt like I was gonna cry because I was scared shitless and I was really hoping it didn't show. Looking in his eyes was the equivalent of looking into the eyes of fucking Satan. But alas, he scoffed and turned away.

"Casey," Ponyboy says. "That is Dallas Winston," he pointed to the guy with Satan eyes. Dallas nodded in my direction and lit a cigarette. "We call him Dally." I smiled at him.

"And that over there is Keith - or um, Two-Bit Mathews." Two-bit takes my hand and kisses it gently. "M'lady," He says and I giggle.

"Casey Rose, it's a pleasure," I say while shaking Two-Bits hand. Dallas rolls his eyes and mumbles 'slut'.

"What was that, Texas?" I cock my eyebrow, my hand finding it's way to my hip. He flinched, clearly startled, but covers it up with a smirk and says, "you heard me."

I roll my eyes and look back at Pony and Two-Bit. "I want to punch him. Really hard. Right in his face." I motion a punch and Two-Bit laughs.

"I feel ya, Case," Two-Bit wraps his arm around my shoulder and I laugh. He squints his eyes and makes a thinking face. "No. I don't like that. Let's come up with a different nickname. How about...Rosie. Cause your last name is Rose," he says, seeming proud. I laugh.

"Sounds good!" I say with a smile. No one has ever really cared enough about me to give me a nickname- I mean, except Sylvia. Sure, my mum and dad called me the basic names, but that's not the same.

Two-bit laughed and squeezed my shoulder. I could tell that he was a very touchy kinda guy and I could respect that because I am a very touchy person as well, so I leaned my head against his arm.

I look over at the café and see that hot chocolate guy was walking out with the coke in his hand and the note tucked under his ring finger. I panic because I'm awkward and don't want to talk to him.

"It was really nice meeting you guys, maybe less good ol' Texas over there, but I've gotta be going now. My roommate is expecting me back soon." I spin out of Two-Bits arm. "See ya 'round!" I pull on my helmet, turned the key in my motorcycle, and with a swift wave, I was off before hot chocolate guy could see me.


hello, my friends. i didn't think this story was really going anywhere rip but imma continue it :)

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