CHP. 4

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Once I got home, I saw that Sylvianna wasn't here. That confused me quite a lot, considering she practically lived with me. I considered her my roommate even though she didn't pay rent.

I decided to give her house a call. I was worried. It wasn't unlike her to leave while I'm out, but she'd leave a note. I could find one on the tv, fridge, or my door, so I thought I'd call her.

I turned the dial until I had her whole number out and waited for her to answer. "Hey, Sylv. Sorry to bother you, I just couldn't find a note or anything, and I got worried so-" I was cut off by a voice I didn't recognize.

"Sorry, this isn't Sylv, or whoever you're looking for. I think you dialled the wrong number," The deep voice from the other end informed and I felt all the blood rush to my cheeks.

"Gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bother you. God, I feel so bad. I'm really sorry." I rubbed my eyes. I felt like I was going to cry because my dramatic ass can't handle doing a little thing wrong.

"No, seriously. Don't worry about it. Now call your friend, you seem worried." He spoke softly yet firm, like he was commanding me to call Sylvianna. It was incredible how much power this guy had over me, considering we were just talking on the phone.

"I am, very much so. Once again, I'm really sorry. Thanks for not being angry. Have a good day." I slam the phone down onto the hook and let out an awkward sigh.

"Why am I like thiiiiiis." I slide my fingers down from my eyes to my chin and laugh in self pity.

I make sure I actually pay attention to the numbers this time and dial the correct number. It rings three times before a tired Sylvianna answers the phone.

"Hello..?" She says, tiredness dripping from her voice.

"Oh good, you're not dead. Okay, that's all. Be careful. Love you," I say and hang up the phone.

I sit on the couch alone and glance at the time. It was nearly 3:00 PM and I remembered I have to call my uncle Grey who was a police officer. He was one of the few greaser cops and he was a pretty chill guy. Him and my aunt Suzanne were kind of the reason I came to the shithole of a place, Tulsa, Oklahoma. I knew if I needed help they'd be there and I appreciated that. Uncle Grey told me to call him once a week at 3:00 PM because that was when he had a break. So I thought to myself, why the hell not?

I walked over to my phone hanging on the wall and spun the dial around until I had the number and waited. It was after a few rings that he picked up.

"Hey uncle Grey, sorry to bother you. Just wanted to check in." I hopped up onto the counter near the phone and waited for his response.

"Yeah, no worries. Hey, get this. I've got a 17 year old boy here in my office right now. He was arrested for - wait for it - doing handstands up and down the sidewalks." He laughs lightly and I snort.

"Is he cute?" I ask, jokingly and I hear him ask, 'My 17 year old niece wants to know if you're cute.' My eyes widen and I whine in embarrassment. When I hear a distant 'I'd like to say yes, sir.'

"Did you hear that Casey? He says he is,"

"Yes uncle Grey, I heard that. And I hope you burn to death. And I feel that wasn't very professional of you."

"Am I ever professional?"

"You know you really should be considering you're, I don't know, a god damned police officer?!"

"Don't disrespect the law, Miss. Rose."

I roll my eyes and scoff. "Well, I'm not dead. And if you don't mind, I'm going to go rob a gas station," I jokingly say to uncle Grey. He laughs.

"I really hope you're joking because I'm on my break and don't want to stop a robbery at the moment," Uncle Grey says with a laugh.

"You'll never be sure." And with that, I almost hung up the phone, but quickly said, "I was joking I'm not robbing the gas station bye love you." And with that, I actually hung up the phone.


The next day, I woke up suddenly when I felt someone shaking my arm and when I met her eyes with mine, I'd never seen her look so sad.

"Sylvianna, what's wrong?" I scoot over on my bed and give her room to sit. She sniffles.

"I had a dream and I don't remember anything from it. I just remember that I woke up bawling my eyes out and I just can't stop crying-" I cut her off.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, don't worry." I said calmly, wiping her cheeks and grabbing her into a hug. "Come on, let's go for a walk, okay?" I grab her hand and bring her downstairs, seeing her shoes at the front door. I assume she came here sometime after midnight. I wasn't awake when she got here, but I leave my key in a secret wooden panel (that she knows about).

I take two sweatshirts off of the hooks and hand one to Sylvianna. "Here you go," I say and slide mine over my head. She does the same a grabs my hand right after. She had begun to calm down, but I could tell she was still shaken up about this. I open up the door and step out into the crisp July air. It was a bit chilly tonight and I was glad I brought a sweater. I made sure to lock the door before we continued.

It had to be about 6:00 in the morning, as I could see the sun beginning to rise. We walked past a house and I saw a boy sitting on the roof of his house, staring at the sky.

"Casey?" I hear him say and I look up along with Sylvianna.

"You shouldn't be out at this time. It's dangerous." He said. I cross my arms.

"Says the one sitting on the roof. Waiting for the sunrise?" I say, grabbing Sylvia's hand and dragging her over to a ladder I saw on the side of the house. "We're coming up." Sylvianna and I climb up the ladder and Ponyboy looks over at us. I let Sylvia up first, followed by me.

"Who's with you?" He says, grabbing Sylvianna's hand a pulling her up. She thanks him quick and takes a seat a bit closer to the middle.

"That's Sylvia." I say, forgetting to specify that she's not the bitch 50% of all the greasers hate.

"Oh! Sorry. I meant— well, her name is Sylvianna. But I call her Sylvia because it's shorter. Not that stupid bitch Sylvia." I roll my eyes and Ponyboy grabs my hand and helps me up.

"Sylvie, this is Ponyboy. I believe I mentioned him before," I say, completely remembering when she almost peed herself over his name.

"Thank you, Pony." I take a seat beside Sylvianna and she lays her head in my lap. We sat there in a comfortable silence. I watched as the colours moulded and mashed together, seeing the light slowly come up, the golden sun taking over the moons place, transforming into a beautiful daylight.

"I love sunrises," I say quietly. "Well- and sets- sunsets." My words jumble around and I pull myself together before saying anything else.

"They remind me of home. I feel safe for a while. It's calming." Ponyboy looks at me and I stroke Sylvianna's head. I look down and see she's fallen asleep. I smile lightly as Ponyboy stared intently at the sky. He looks at me and gives a half smile.

"Me too."


fun fact: when reading the book for the first time, i thought ponyboy was such a fuckin brat lmao

but i love him anyways.

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