CHP. 10

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So I guess I was getting along with Dally now. I mean, good for the both of us, but why is he suddenly being all chummy with me? I turn my attention back to the doors of the DX, Dally was holding them open for me. I smiled politely.

"Thank you." I walked in and saw Soda and Steve, both had a girl with them. The one with Soda had beautiful china blue eyes. Her hair was golden and her figure was a perfect hourglass. It didn't look like she was wearing makeup, but her skin looked flawless.

The girl with Steve was equally as beautiful, but was quite the opposite. She wore a ton of makeup - but made it work, had dark brown hair and brown eyes, and she dressed like you're average greaser girl.

"Casey! This is Sandy and Evie! Our girlfriends," Soda said. Although Sandy was beautiful, she looked so fake. When she smiled at me, it was one fake ass smile. Evie on the other hand is an angel, she seemed sweet.

"It's nice to meet you both," I said, in between comfortable and uncomfortable. Ponyboy clearly noticed my discomfort and grabbed my shoulder gently and walked with me to the fridge to grab a coke.

As soon as we were out of earshot, he asked me,

"Are you alright? You seem-"

"Uncomfortable?" I interrupted. He nodded.

"Don't worry. Meeting new people isn't my strong suit. I've gotta get going anyway. I want to get out a rough sketch before the park empties out," I said reassuringly. I pulled a bottle out of the cooler and walked back to the register.

"I gotta get going, you mind ringing this up real quick?" I said, not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

"It's on me," Soda said. I immediately denied his offer.

"Ah-ah, not happening. Thank you very much for he offer, but that means I'll owe you money and-" I rambled on and Soda stopped me.

"You don't have to pay me back. Take the damn coke, Casey." I sighed.

"You're not letting me pay are you?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"Nope," He said with a grin. I scowled sarcastically but then smiled and shook my head.

"Thank you, Sodapop." I waved goodbye and walked out the doors.

It wasn't until I heard the clicking of heels that I realized Sandy was behind me. I turned around and she looked at me with a stare that held the hatred of 1000 men.

"You stay away from my Sodapop, or there will be consequences," she said threateningly.

'What a cheesy line.' I thought to myself. I plastered on a big smile and said,

"You got it, chief!" She scowled at me one last time and walked away.

I turned around and walked to the park, content with what I'd accomplished today.


I sat on the park swing. It had been nearly four hours after the Sandy Situation and I had been drawing ever since, so the park had began to empty out. There was me and maybe one or two middle-class kids.

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