CHP. 8

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After they explained how I was called 'café girl' for the past few days, Sodapop walked in through the door. I turned around and was immediately overjoyed to see that Sodapop was standing in the doorway.

I smiled a small smile and said, "Good morning." It was a simple, yet effective phrase. He smiled his perfect smile back and said, "Morning." He walked into what I'm assuming was his room. Steve, who moved over to sit beside me, said, "y'all should get together. I, as Sodapop's best friend," he made sure to put emphasis on the word 'best', "give you my blessing." I laughed and shook my head.

"He is waaaay outta my league. Plus, he looked extremely happy when he came in. I'd say even girl happy. I think he's found someone," I stood up while grabbing my first aid kit.

I wasn't even looking and I could tell that Steve rolled his eyes.

"So what, you're Canadian. That doesn't mean he's too good for you," I heard Two-Bit say from behind me. I laughed once again, turning around.

"You're saying the only reason he's too good for me is because I'm Canadian? Good god..." I rolled my eyes with a smile. Soda walked back out.

"Why were you so late?" Darry asked Soda, not bothering to look up from the paper. Soda was smiling even though Darry didn't seem all that happy with him. That's something I liked about him, I guess. He smiled like a little kid and never failed to make me smile back.

"I met a girl. Her name's Sandy," he said. I looked over at the boys and smiled a smile that said 'what did I fucking say?'.

"You think she likes you?" I asked with my hands behind my back, smiling.

"I sure hope so. She's great." He smiles widely.

"Well, I wish you the best. I'm gonna get going. Watch a movie, eat ice cream, cry. You know how it is," I say backing out the door.

"See ya!" I walked down the steps and bounced my way to the sidewalk. I saw a red, expensive-looking corvette rolling down the street, coming to a stop beside me. I was about to freak out until I saw Cherry Valance step out the door. I still tensed up a bit, nonetheless.

"Casey, I'm so sorry. I had no idea he was dating you. Or anyone, matter of fact. If I had any idea he was in a relationship, I would've never-" I cut her off because I saw she looked like she was about to cry. I hated that I forgave her so easily.

"Don't worry. James is a dick, I have come to terms with that and you should too. Don't feel bad, no apologies, please. James is the one who should be doing this," I say, forcing a smile. Sure, it hurt that James cheated on me. It hurt like hell, and I wanted to murder him and anyone in sight. I hated him for what he did, and I could never forgive him, but I've been in the same positions as Cherry before, so I could sympathize. James was another dumb boyfriend I would never speak to again, and I was okay with that.

Cherry looked surprised. I guess she was expecting me to slap her in the face or something.

"Really?" She asked quietly, tears brimming her eyes. I smiled a small smile.

"Don't worry about it." I was a bit surprised when she hugged me. I awkwardly hugged her back and patted her shoulder to let her know I wanted her off of me. Just because I forgave her did not mean I wanted to be friends with her.

"I gotta go. My friend's expecting me."

"Do you want a ride, I could take you home if you want." She pointed to her car.

"Thanks, but I enjoy walking. See you 'round." I began to walk away, but she stopped me.

"You're different, Casey. Don't change."

"Yeah. You too, Cherry." I said, not turning around. I continued walking.


when i first read the book, i hated cherry with all the guts in my pre-teen body, but now that i've read it over and over again, i'm realizing everything that she did was completely logical. she's okay, i guess. i'm gonna make her nicer in this story lmao.

sorry this was such a short chapter:(( i thought this was a good place to leave it there, so this was more of a filler i guess???

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