CHP. 5

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Ponyboy, Sylvianna, and I talked on and on for what seemed liked forever. When Sylvia was asleep, it got pretty deep. Ponyboy talked about how he feels that Darry doesn't care for him, but I've deducted that Darry just has a lot on his hands. He only tells Ponyboy to 'use his head' because he's scared of Pony getting hurt so bad. I told him about when and why I moved to Tulsa, which brought on the story of his parents.

By the time Sylvianna woke up, she was all peppy and made the entire theme of our conversation different which was nice in some ways, but I did enjoy telling someone something I felt Sylvia wouldn't have the attention span for. By the time we got off of the roof, I was so hungry that my stomach hurt. It looked to be around 10:30 AM which means we'd been talking for four hours.

"Casey and I should get home. It was great talking with you, Pony." Sylvia started to walk off of the porch and down the stairs, dragging me along (our arms were linked together).

"Why don't you stay for breakfast? Well, I'm sure one of my brothers made breakfast like three and a half hours ago...but I can make something for us," Pony says walking up behind us.

"No, seriously," I laugh a little bit. "I've got to get going. But thanks for the offer." I wave my hands as a sign of saying 'it's alright'. Sylvia nods along.

"I've gotta go shopping and clean the house. It's an absolute disaster and you can only put things off for so long, eh?"

"Alright then. I'll see you around?" Pony says and we nod. "Of course." Sylvie started walking away and before I went after her, I made sure to talk to Ponyboy about one last thing.

"If you ever - and I mean ever - feel like running away, or have any problem, you or your family. No matter how big or small, go straight to my house. Do not go running off somewhere. Come straight to my home. Promise me," I say with a weak smile. He nods and says, "I promise."

"Bye, Pony." I run after Sylvianna. "Wait up, loser!" I yell. Hearing this, Sylvie cackles and breaks into a dead sprint, her knowing I'm a god damned fast runner.


We had gotten home and I cleaned the house for three hours, I hadn't eaten since the day before, and I was feeling faint. "Say, Sylvia, do you wanna go and get something to eat?" I say, looking over to my left at my dearest friend. She nods. "Yeah sure. Dingo?" She asks, I stand up and she reaches out her arms.

"Help me up?" I roll my eyes but grab her hands and pull her up anyways. I grab my jean jacket and zip up my combat boots, walking out the door. Sylvie was behind me but caught up pretty quick.


"So, how do you feel about Ponyboy now, Sylvianna? You seemed to like him," I say,  hinting at the fact that she definitely does.

"I don't have a crush on him, if that's what you're looking for. But I think he's a good guy. He's cute, too." Sylvie smiles and I smirk.

"You totally like him. 100%." I sip my chocolate milkshake while wiggling my eyebrows, earning an eye roll from Sylv.

"I'll murder you, I'll fuckin' do it," she says jokingly, but I let it go. Looking to the entrance, I see Ponyboy walk in with Two-Bit and a dark skinned boy with his hair greased back.

"Speaking of..." I nod in the direction of Ponyboy to Sylvie and she looks to see him. Pony smiles at us, waving us over. I grabbed my milkshake, Sylvianna her Coke, and walked over to them nearly getting nailed in the face with a metal serving tray that one of the waitresses were carrying around. I plop myself in the seat next to Two-Bit, forcing Sylvie into the seat next to Ponyboy. I was, not so secretly, rooting for the two of them. Sylvianna was a year younger than me, so only one year older than Pony.

"Hey, guys. Two-Bit, this is Sylvianna. She's my best friend and practically lives at my house. Two's real name is Keith, by the way," I say.

"Hi, Two-Bit," Sylvie says with a smile.

"Casey, Sylvia, this is Johnny Cade," Ponyboy said, motioning to the dark skinned boy sitting at the end of the table, closest to the wall.

"Hi, Johnny, how are you?" I ask with a small smile and I saw him relax a bit. He smiled back.

"I'm okay. You?" He responded. I shrugged my shoulders and replied with a simple, "I'm good, thanks." Two-Bit wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close.

"You are such a sweet person, you've gotta be Canadian," he said jokingly and I bit my cheek with a smile.

"I am, actually." I laugh.

Two-Bit cackles for much longer than I would like to say, leaving me to sit there and take it.


i actually love two-bit so much he makes me so happy

my day was pretty good. one of my friends gave me a really hard high-five and it hurt really bad, but other than that, it was good. how was your day? [as of editing this in 2021– i can say that the friend i spoke about when this was first published is no longer my friend bc he's racist and a creep and a huge asshole. why was i friends with that guy]

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