CHP. 11

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I started hanging out with the gang a lot. I've been hanging around them for nearly two and a half weeks, and I quite enjoyed it and I hope they did too. I went somewhere with them almost everyday, except Soda. Anytime I went to the Curtis' and asked if any of them wanted to go out, they all came out with me except Soda. I hope he didn't hate me or something.

Soda is just so sweet, I wish I could just be with him everyday. You know, talk about nothing for hours and hours, go on late night drives and look at the stars, until he leans toward me and- shit wait. Man, you've gotta pull yourself together you. He has a girlfriend - if she can even be considered one. She's basically controlling his every move, it's a puppet-puppeteer situation going on here, and I can tell that no one wants them together except for Soda. I really feel bad for him. But, he seems to be in love with her, and what kind of person would I be to ruin that?

Anyways, Sylvianna's back from her grandmother's and I've been telling her about my situation. Well, excluding the part where I'm definitely a bit desperately in love with Sodapop Curtis, but I think she kind of deduced that.

"Well, this Sandy motherfucker is a real piece of work, ain't she?" Sylvie says, filing her nails. Tonight we were going to a bar, Buck's to be exact. We thought we'd make ourselves look decent tonight, so I wore a white cropped t-shirt with the Coca-Cola logo, black shorts, fence-net stockings, and chunky black heels (which I knew I would regret as soon as I stepped into the bar). I was painting my nails a bright red and I was going all out with my makeup tonight.

By the time we were leaving, I looked fucking hot, and I nearly left without looking back, but then I remembered my promise to Pony, so I left a note saying where I would be and left it under a hefty rock on the porch.

I got in the car where Sylvia was waiting and smiled.

"You ready?" She asked. I nodded.

"Let's fucking go."


We had been in the bar for nearly two hours and I made sure not to drink a lot. I had one or two beers, mainly keeping my focus on Sylvianna not getting kidnapped or raped. We also needed a DD (designated driver), so that's what I was there for.

Although going out was supposed to be a way for me to get over James and maybe rid my love for Sodapop, I hadn't been doing any flirting. Sure, I danced with the confidence of 30 shitfaced women, but I definitely wasn't one for talking to guys.

I decided the best thing for me to do was take a break and hang outside for a few minutes. Both my feet and head were killing me and I figured I should get away from the loud trashy music that was playing. I whispered where I'd be to Sylvianna as I passed her and made sure she wasn't going to collapse anytime soon. To my surprise, she was actually quite sober tonight. Good for you, Sylv.

I stepped out the door a pried off my shoes and moaned when they were finally off my feet. Why did I think stilettos were a good choice?

"You're looking good tonight, Case," I heard a male voice call from behind me. I held my shoe in hand as a weapon and turned around, only to see Dallas Winston.

"Thank you, I actually try sometimes," I say with a sarcastic smirk on my face. I leaned against the wooden fence that lined the entrance and stared at the night sky. You could see every every star tonight.

I wasn't looking at him, but I could tell Dally was looking at me strangely. "Look at the stars." He seemed surprised when I said that, but he looked at the sky anyway.

"It's just a bunch of dots on a black background, Case. Nothing special," he says. I roll my eyes.

"They're not dots. Those are millions- well, actually there's nearly 100 billion stars in the sky. And they all have a name, almost all of them go together to form a constellation, and they're all burning up there in our solar system," I say. Dally didn't seem too interested, but I kept talking. "Like that right there," I pointed to Orion once I found him. "Is Orion. Well- Orion's belt, to be exact. It's my favourite." I direct him to the constellation.

"How can you have a favourite collection of stars? It's just a bunch of lights," he says, pulling out a cigarette. It looked to be the last one in the pack. I hop up on the railing and stand up, balancing with my arms spread out, feeling the cold breeze hit me. Dally looked at me like I was insane, which was fair because I was standing on a rickety old railing, wobbling like I'm Bambi.

"Well, that's what it is to you. You probably think the entire world revolves around you, when in reality, you're just one person out of billions of people and those billions of people are still a tiny speck in our solar system which consists of nine planets and who knows? Considering how big space is, there's probably another solar system somewhere out there! You don't even find that a little interesting?" I ask, sitting down on the railing. Dally shrugs.

"Nope," he says. I give out a frustrated 'humph'. I look at Dally and see him puff out smoke. Smoking has always bothered me.

"You mind?" I asked for Dally's cigarette. He tilted his head in confusion. I held it between my fingers.

"I didn't know you smoked," he said. I shrugged.

"I don't." I smushed it against the railing and waited until I it was completely burnt out before flicking it into a nearby garbage can.

"What the hell?! That wasn't even half done! AND it was my last one!" Dally exclaimed, angered by actions. I flinched, more than kind of scared. I guess he noticed because he seemed to calm down a bit, but that didn't change the look of pure infuriation on his face.

"Smoking kills. Not just the person smoking, but everyone around. I'm looking out for myself," I say looking at him calmly. He sighed and dragged a hand down his face.

In the time I'd been here, the two of us had gotten quite close. Close enough for him to be less of a douchebag , but not close enough for him to openly defend me. I can tell he cares, he definitely cares about people very easily, but he won't show it.

"If you don't want me to smoke around you, then just say the words," Dally says, leaning against the railing. I hop down and rub my forehead.

"It's not all about me, Dal. Think about yourself." It was quiet for a second before I spoke up once again.

"You live here, right? Do you have any Asprin? I have a crazy headache." I sigh. He nods.

"Yeah it's upstairs, I'll take you," he says while walking back into the bar. I follow into the loud building at up the stairs into Dallas Winston's room. I can't say this is how I expected my night to go, and I thought this is the weirdest it would get. Oh, boy, how wrong I was.


man idk who the 108 people who read his are, but tysm💞🥺💕

[me, editing this now with 2K readers: 😀😀😀]


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