Chapter 1

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I pull my hood up as I hop off Crystals back. "You know the plan girl, cloak yourself until I return. Don't make any notices. I love you though~" she nods as her cloaking ability activates and hides in the underbrush.

Lately there's been a lot of activity with the dragon hunters. So I've been cautious to stay hidden and remain low. As I walk in the northern markets I see iron mason working on a sword.

"Hello lass, need me to fix it?" I nod. I pull out my dual blades that I made from razorwhip scales and the handle was all mason's work. "Need them in 15 minutes, I'm on a hurry." He nods and immediately heads straight to work.

I walk to a different portion of the markets where the food was. My stomach growls. 'Well I did forget to eat breakfast...' I bumped into a stranger and thought it was a hunter but it was a boy.

"Oh! Uh sorry I didn't see where I was going." The boy exclaimed. "It's fine." I say coldly. I point out to a chicken that had just been sitting out. "Chicken for breakfast huh?" I roll my eyes as I give some coins to the clerk.

He hands me the plate, along with the chicken as sit down a table. "Well I'm hiccup. And you are?" His question dozes off. "Y/N." After I finished taking a bite. "That's a pretty name." I smile.

After my chat with hiccup, he follows me. I let him, so we can get to know each other better. "Where are you from?" That question froze me. I couldn't breath or move. "I'd rather not talk about that..." I look away.

"Ok, I'm sorry if I brought that up." As he strokes my hand. We reach the Iron mason. "Here ya go lass." As he hands me my blades. "What are those?" I lock my blades onto my belt. "Dual blades. It's really useful to me. Made them from Razorwhip scales."

Then I noticed dragon hunters walking around. "Dragon hunters..." I growl under my breath. "Gotta run. Nice meeting you though." As I disappear in the crowd. Then I notice them following me directly. "Freaking  Thor ..."


After seeing her leave, I saw the hunters trailing her directly. So I followed her and the hunters from a far distance. I hid behind the tunnel and looked over to see she was gone. I raced back into the forest to find toothless.

"Toothless! Time to go!" I heard him grumble from behind the trees as he arrived. "What was it bud?" His attention was to the forest. "Well, we have to get out here before someone sees us." As we fly away from the northern markets.


We were almost caught as a night fury was sniffing around to us. Thanks to Crystal's cloaking we were safe for now until a voice called out. 'Was it Hiccup?' I wondered. Then the coast was clear and she removed her wings. "Thanks girl." As I stroke her chin. She coos in response.

"Ok let's head back to the island." She nods as I hop onto her back and fly into the clouds. It was calm atmosphere as we couldn't see the ocean below us. "It feels so nice being up here, right girl?" She makes a noise as a answer.

We make it to the island in less than 15 minutes of flying in the white clouds as protection. We land on the beach of our island.

I saw the other dragons seeing us land as a scauldron along with its offspring poked through the water

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I saw the other dragons seeing us land as a scauldron along with its offspring poked through the water. "Hello, SeaStar. And you too little ones." They chirp as swim toward the reef. I giggle and pet caress their heads. "Now go, your mother is waiting."

They lick my face as they swim back to their mother who's waiting for them. Then they disappear underwater. "Ok Crystal, let's head to the cave." When I turn to her sees already in the air to fly around.

While I walk in the dense forest of the island, Crystal is happily in the air with a Razorwhip I trained. Fireworms come out of the trees and glide with me. I hold my hand out and one lands on my hand. I help him back in the air. A changewing appears and guards me in case any other appear. "It's ok boy."

Then I reach the cave with thick floral vines and leaves to block the entrance. I walk in as I pull out my lens.

Furies In Love (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now