Chapter 47

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"Look out!" As the Triple Stryke was about to attack Crystal with his tail. Toothless threatened to fire a plasma at him. "Whoa! Toothless, no! We're trying to train it." Hiccup said to his dragon, Toothless growled as a response.

"How are we supposed to train it if we can't get close to it?" I asked with confusion. 'Plus, didn't he have the twins do it before? Or were they too stupid and let it run off?' I quickly break out of my thoughts as I back-flip away from the Triple Stryke.

"I guess you can't blame it. The last humans it dealt with forced it to fight other dragons to the death." He reasoned. "Hiccup, maybe we should make room for the possibility, that the Triple Stryke just wants to free. Away from humans, he isn't accepting you or the rest of us yet." I arugued to him.

"We're making progress. If we could just find a way to get this guy on board have him fighting with us instead of against us." I nodded. "Crystal, plasma blast again." She jumped in the air and fired a bright purple blast at the ground below the Triple Stryke. "Look, we've dealt with way worse." Hiccup told me, I rolled my eyes.

"Snotlout doesn't count." I sneered at him. Just then, Fishlegs comes around.
"Good one, Y/N. I'll have to remember that." He laughed, I turned my attention to him. "Fishlegs! What brings you to the valley of pain?" I answered sarcastically.

"Snotlout and the Twins just got back from patrol, and there are multiple storm fronts heading right for us. We need to lock down the Edge before they start to hit." He explained, Hiccup nodded. "Okay. We're not done here." As he turned his attention to the Triple Stryke, wait- didn't Tuffnut name it... uhh.... Sluther?

Meanwhile.... with Snoutlout being an muttonhead..........

"Snotlout, what are you doing?" Astrid asked completely dumbfounded. "Covering up my "S!" What does it look like I'm doing?" He said to her. "You're supposed to be closing the dome and battening down the hatches." She told him. "Hey, I'm not leaving the "S" hangin' out in the wind." He said with stubbornness laced in his voice. "Snotlout!" Astrid said with complete anger and frustration. "Fine!" As he covered up his S, but the wind blew it away. "Aah! Come on!"

"Fishlegs, hurry. You need to get em' into the stables. The storm.." She started, Fishlegs finished for her. "I know. My thunder to lightning calculations are never wrong. And, according to them, well, let's just say it's-" a lighting strikes not far from him. "AAH! Really close." He finished.

"What do you want us to do?" Tuffnut asked Astrid. "Get to the clubhouse and don't move." She told him straight away. "Oh, really? And who put you in charge, exactly?" Ruffnut challenged.
"We all voted Astrid, Storm Warden. Not you guys." Fishlegs announced to the twins.

"Well, I would like to rescind my vote. If that's the right word." Thunder filled the air. "Oh, sorry, too late. Now get going." She said to him, as Y/N and Hiccup arrived on their fury dragons.

"Guys, let's get going now." I told the twins. The thunderstorm began as it was pouring outside, Fishlegs had volunteered to get Crystal inside a pen in the stables where she would feel safe.

"Hmm. Hey, there, big guy." As Tuffnut was petting a Night Terror. Hiccup walked in. "Did you drop off the food and water at the stables?" I asked him. "Yep. Troughs are all full." He said happily.  Fishlegs walked in as well.

"Well, the dragons are all cozy in their pens." He said to us. "Did you lock the main doors?" Astrid asked him. "Astrid, Astrid, of course. Who would forget something like that? I mean, I guess it is possible. But I would never. But then again, there's a first time for everything." He said cheekily at the end. Astrid went up to go check, I stood up instead.

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