[10] The Queen

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Tape 4, Side A

I have to tell you so many things. So many things to ask and share. I want to laugh and giggle while I tell you. Like a normal girl, if you can imagine that.

But, most of all, I have to thank you.

Thank you, Fierceteeth, for ruining the best night of my life.

"Welcome to your tape, Fierceteeth Absher"


"Deathbringer, you have to accept this: Glory died a month ago," Sunny said, her hand slapping the table. Her cheeks were flushed and her green eyes were filled with tears. "She died, Deathy. Listening to the tapes is one thing. Killing yourself with burden is another."

"I'm not killing myself with burden. " Deathbringer said matter-of-factly and tried to flash her a smile, but failed dramatically. "I'm-" He tried to search for the right word. "-fine."

"Yeah?" Sunny stared at him straight in the eye, her other hand clenched into a fist. "You're skipping school. You're avoiding everyone and you're refusing help."

"I don't need help, Sunny." He eyed her angry face warily, running his pale, long fingers through his hair. "I'm not going to kill myself anytime soon." His throat worked. "Like somebody."

Sunny stared at him, her innocent face filled with dread. "You're not okay, Deathbringer. You're not okay, and that's not okay. No, it's horrible." She inhaled deeply, closing her eyes and opening them again. " it's horrible, Deathbringer. Horrible to see the friends around you die. " She pointed at his heart. "Emotionally and physically. Glory. Tsunami. Starflight. Fatespeaker. Now you."

He leaned back on his chair lazily. "Great speech, Sunny, but you don't give medicine for a person that is perfectly fine."

"Stop!" Sunny let out a sob and fell down the floor in her knees, her face covered with tears. She started beating the floor with her hands, like the floor was the one who was causing all this. "Deathbringer, please stop! Stop weighing everything down on yourself. None of it was your fault. None of this is your fault. And, you know what, Black? Glory's not coming back. She's dead!"

He reached out but grasped nothing."Sunny..."

"She died, and it's too late. You can't just go around like this. Accept it, Deathbringer. " Sunny looked up at him, not even bothering to wipe away her tears. It twisted his heart. "We're all too late.

"Even you."

Deathbringer avoided her eyes, telling himself, it's not true. We're not too late. It's not true!

But deep in his heart, he knew it was truth.

The cruel, merciless truth.

"I'm almost done. I'll go through them as quick as possible. Is that what you want?"

Sunny sniffed and stood up, wiping her tears. "Yes. And tomorrow, come to school."

"There's no point," he said, standing up.

"There's never a point." Sunny glared at him. "Chaos, Deathbringer. Chaos. One small thing unbalanced, and everything changes. Everything changes their position. Everything shifts. Nothing stays the same." She paused. "That doesn't mean it's a bad change. "

"Wise words, my friend."

Sunny came up to him and hugged him, digging her face into his chest. "Everyone misses you, Deathy. And everyone's devastated. About...her."

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