[17] The Thirteenth Tape (Part 2)

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His heart dropped and his pulse quickened, his head throbbing. "Morrowseer?"

"Get away!" When he turned, he saw Cricket grasping anything her hand could find and throwing it at Morrowseer's direction. The vase she had thrown a few seconds ago were shattered to a million pieces, but Morrowseer didn't even flinch. Cricket's eyes seemed wild and afraid. "Get out!"

Morrowseer pouted, his disgusting black eyes sparkling with fake amusement. "Hello, my little cricket. You didn't miss your boss, eh?"

She shuddered. "W-where's my servants? My maids? My friends?" She bursted into tears, falling to the ground into her knees, her eyes full of pain. It made Deathbringer numb.

Morrowseer laughed, placing a rough hand on the woman's shoulder. She gave him a smile and slowly opened the door, her tight dress showing off her body. Deathbringer saw a few people laying in the ground, unconscious. Or lifeless?

"You killed them!" Cricket Hive shrieked. Morrowseer sneered, like he was explaining something to a small child. He dug his hands into his pockets and brought out a small dart gun. It made Deathbringer shudder.

"No, dear. You killed them. You're the one who made the venom, after all."

Cricket stared at Morrowseer. "Shoot me." She sobbed, her shoulders raising and her entire body shaking. She covered her face with her thin hands. "Shoot me, kill me like you did to her. To them."

Morrowseer smirked, and hatred for for him grew in his chest like a poisonous ivy, choking him and blinding him with anger. Monster, Deathbringer's mind whispered. This man was a monster. Morrowseer nodded at the woman. "You know what to do, Blister."

Blister smiled and brought out a small dart gun similar to Morrowseer's. She sneered and shot Cricket, making her fall on the carpeted ground, unconscious. There was a smile on her face, like she was falling on a bed of flowers. Like death was her comfort. Hair covered her thin face and a small dart was on her chest.

"Is she dead?" He asked hoarsely, gripping the chair until his hands went white.

Morrowseer smirked. "No, stupid boy, of course not. I need her for the formula." He grabbed Blister by the waist and gave him a grin, planting a kiss on her cheek. It made Deathbringer angry. Of course. Of course my mother was nothing but a mistress to him. Like the others.

"Why?" He felt his shoulders raising. Stupid. Stupid to think he could beat a bloodthirsty monster like Morrowseer. Stupid to think he could ever outsmart him. "Why are you doing this, Morrowseer? What is this for? Do you like harming those people?"

Morrowseer didn't reply. He just roughly pushed Blister out of the room, shutting the door behind him and drowning her complaints. He didn't care about any of them. The women— all the women— were his playthings. His toys. "I have come to you. What do you need? The tape?" Morrowseer gave him a sneer. He grabbed a small cassette tape from his pocket and threw it down at his feet. "Come and get it, stupid dog."

Deathbringer shook his head calmly, although he was burning with anger. "Tell me why you're in the tapes. I want to know. I need to know."

"Don't you get it?" Morrowseer snarled. Nobody likes to be called a monster. "You know nothing, Deathbringer Black. There is a bigger plot involved."

His voice started to get scratchy, and his eyes were red as tears dropped down from it. He didn't want to cry. But it was like he had no control over himself anymore. Not after her death. "What was it, then? What was her death? Why did she have to die?"

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