[12] Fear

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How would you describe fear?

The last time I felt fear...

It killed me.

"Welcome to your tape, Darkstalker Smith"


"Do you visit her grave?"

Deathbringer chewed his food before turning. Tsunami stared at the person behind him in disbelief, and silence overwhelmed the lunch table. The only person that didn't seem to mind was Clay.


"I do," he replied blankly.

Kestrel scowled, but then, it was probably her normal face. "I need you to say something to her."

When Deathbringer looked at his friends, they all seemed surprised. "What can you possibly say to her?" He said coolly.

Kestrel flinched. "A lot of things." She glared at him, her cheeks red with embarrassment.

He leaned forward in interest. "Really? Tell me one."

"Tell her I'm sorry, " She said bravely, meeting his eyes with determination. For a moment, he admired her for her courage. "Tell her I'm never going to punch anyone ever again. Never." She inhaled deeply. "Tell her she made a good character in the play. Tell her...Tell her I miss her." She then pressed her lips together and turned away without waiting for an answer.

He replied too late: "I will."

Deathbringer felt his heart thump loudly. The tapes are changing everything.

The next in line was Kestrel's sister, Peril Goldenberg.

The proud, rich Goldenberg sisters. Powerful people in the school. One strikingly beautiful, one extremely powerful. And they were all overlooking their reputation for one girl.

For Glory Bright.

The girl who committed suicide.

Peril gave Deathbringer a small smile. She stared at Riptide's sandwich, wetting her lips. Then she bowed her head and stared at her shoes, looking uncomfortable. "I want to say something to someone in this table."

Tsunami seemed to bristle next to him, but he motioned her to calm down. Sunny raised a calm eyebrow.

"Go ahead," he said softly.

Peril didn't reply for a long time. Then she clenched her fists. "Clay, I have something to say to you. Actually, I want to thank you. Thanks for standing up for me when I made the big fire in kindergarten. Thanks for talking to me when nobody else did."

Deathbringer blinked, surprised. He didn't even remember what happened in kindergarten. That seemed centuries ago.

"I...I admire you a lot," Peril stammered. " you're nice, and all. "

Clay stared at her blankly, he mouth open but no sound coming out.

Peril breathed in deeply.

"I like you, Clay."


I wanted to prove to Deathbringer, to my friends, that I could get along fine without them.

Stupid? Heck, yes. Predictable? Yes.

So when you, Darkstalker Smith, asked me out, I said yes.

You were quite handsome. Sharp features. Elegant eyes. Amused smile. Neat black hair.

That time, I didn't know you had eyes on my money and my money only.

13 REASONS WHY// Glorybringer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now