[13] Love

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Love is a war. Love is a conquest.

Here is what I think of love.

"Welcome to your tape, Deathbringer Black"


It was dark. It was rainy.

It was the day he was going to the movies. With Greatness.

He struggled to button his shirt properly. Always start from the bottom, darling, his mother soothed in his brain. It makes it easier.

The shirt had been thrown to the back of his closet until he found it yesterday. Since the washing machine still mystified him, he had hand-washed it, and it was wrinkled up like crazy. But he didn't know how to straighten it, so he put it on the best he could.

"Mr. Black?" A person called from the doorway. He hurried to open the door, puzzled. I thought I was going to Greatness's house, not vice versa. Panic overwhelmed his brain.

Thankfully, it was a mailman. "I have a package for you. Please sign here."

He signed the paper sloppily and took the small box. "Thank you," he said. It was a small package. When he shut the door and took out his pocket knife to cut it, he saw that it was from Sunny.

It was a brand-new Walkman. He immediately ran to his room, grabbed the tenth tape, and placed it carefully into the Walkman.

Then he pressed Play.

Love is a war.

Deathbringer glanced at his watch. Twenty more minutes until he had to go. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed his piggy bank, where he deposited all his money.

Love is a conquest.

He grabbed it, closing his fingers around the nose of the pig.

Here is what I think of love.

He opened the piggy bank and stuck his hand in, grasping crispy dollar bills. Would fifty dollars be enough?

Welcome to your tape...

He paused to listen.

...Deathbringer Black.

His piggy bank fell to the floor, and his money spilled onto the floor, coins and all. The piggy bank clattered on the floor. His lips trembled and he sank to the ground, closing his eyes shut.

I don't know if you remember. You probably don't.

But I do.

Remember the party? It was at a kid's house. I don't remember his name, but it sure was an exciting party.

The music. The lights. The pool. The laughter.

Why did I go there? I have no idea. Maybe I just wanted to be with people. Not in my lonely apartment. Not in my empty house.

So I sneaked out. Fairly simple when you don't live with anyone. When there's nobody to notice if you're asleep or awake, dead or alive.

Nobody paid any attention to me as I entered the house. Which was exactly what I wanted.

For a while, I just leaned on a wall, listening to the music. Hoping my life would go away. Hoping the whispers would go away.

You can't turn yourself off, though. You can't look into the mirror and not see yourself anymore. You can't stop the voices in your head.

13 REASONS WHY// Glorybringer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now