[14] Reality

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"I thought you liked puzzles," he said, placing a small daisy in her hand. She took it, her eyebrows furrowed as she concentrated on making Firefly the flower crown she wanted. Her hands moved through the tangles of leaves and stems, somehow forming a majestic crown. Deathbringer watched in awe.

"I do," Glory said, pausing enough to give him a dazzling grin. "They calm my tortured mind." She laughed.

Deathbringer stared down at the grass, his lips tilting upward. His gaze found a small, white, fluffy flower, and he reached out and grasped the dandelion, plucking it out gently as possible.

It felt smooth in his hands. He was careful not to drop any seedlings as he handed the flower to Glory.

"Make a wish," he said softly.

Glory's eyes sparkled. She took it and closed her eyes for a long moment and blew it, scattering tens of little seeds ready to bloom. Glory watched until they disappeared from sight.

He placed his arm over her shoulders, and she rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes half-way. He grinned lazily. "Every time a flower dies, new seeds come from it." Glory paused, staring at the lonely, empty dandelion in her hands. "So is death good or bad?"

The question puzzled him. "Huh," he said, frowning. "I guess I never thought about it before."

"Look at dandelions. They die, but their seeds take their place. The world moves on," Glory stated as she narrowed her eyes thoughtfully.

Deathbringer tilted his head. "I guess you're right."

Glory chuckled lightly, tangling her tender, pale hand with his. He felt excitement bloom in his heart, along with care and love. He handled her hand like a glass vase ready to break at the slightest touch. " I'm always right, dear husband." She met his eyes and gave him a small smile to to let him know she was joking. "Let's ask Firefly when she gets back from the woods," she whispered, amusement in her eyes, "She seems to think she knows everything."

Deathbringer laughed. "We have to give her credit, though," he murmured. "She says she's in catalyst class."

"She has lied before," Glory chuckled. Deathbringer stroked her golden hair, bright as a lion's mane in the sunlight.

Glory closed her eyes, and her breathing abruptly slowed. Then the gentle breathing became nothing. No rising of the chest. No inhale or exhale. Her smile became emotionless, and the pale blush on her cheeks disappeared.

"Glory?" He said, panicked. He gripped her hand tighter. It seemed cold and paler than usual.

Her beautiful green eyes didn't open, and all she did was smile and reply:

"You're full of surprises, Deathbringer Black."


Deathbringer jolted awake.

His alarm clock screeched, and he rubbed his eyes as he hurriedly turned it off.


Seven thirty. His school started in five minutes.

He jolted from the bed, putting random clothes that reached his hand first. A dinosaur T-shirt and jeans. Will have to do. He didn't even have time to brush his teeth, and he whirled through his room, shouting.

He ran from his house, got his bicycle, and sped to school, his hair puffy and his eyes half-closed.

"Dude!" Deathbringer didn't stop, but he did turn, and lost his balance. He toppled to the ground, taking the bicycle with him.

13 REASONS WHY// Glorybringer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now