Extra Chapters 3

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Even the most horrible villains have a story. They are the people that got broken...and never healed again. They weren't evil— they were alone.

Dear Diary;

Imagine what it would be like, being abandoned in middle of the rain. Being rejected from everyone. Being broken by the one you trusted so much. Left by someone you valued more than anything in the world.

I don't have to imagine it. It already happened to me.

This is the story of how I got broken...and never healed again. I regret everyone I hurt, saying that, if I hurt them first, they wouldn't hurt me. Never giving anyone a chance to come close to me. Never letting anyone hurt me.

It came with a price. Nobody would hurt me, but nobody would heal me, either. So the storm raged on. I went on. I chose to be safe than brave.

Would you believe me, dear Diary  if I said I was a coward, but not evil?

Perhaps I was both.


"So the lion fell in love with the lamb"

-Stephanie Meyer


It started and ended in the end of middle school. The bullying.

I was a short girl that liked to read. I wasn't like other kids. Nobody seem to understand me. And when nobody understood me, nobody liked me. And I sort of liked it that way.

Until he came.

Jace After. He had blonde hair and caramel brown eyes. It seemed golden to me. I liked to look at him, not because I wanted him, but he seemed so perfect. His features, his smile, his everything...

Funny how love works, isn't it? They blind you, they make you someone you aren't. They turn the smart to stupid. They turn the powerful to nothing. It's a beautiful thing, love.

I wish that I never met him...oh, so much happiness he brought me, but along with unimaginable pain. It was an average day, and I was getting hit around by the big guys, and my books fell everywhere, and I was close to crying...

Only if he hadn't stopped there. Only if he kept walking, unconscious to what was happening to me...Only if he kept his eyes on his book, or the hall, or anything but me...

Yet, he stopped. He told the guys to stop bothering me. I didn't expect them to back away, but they did. They seemed afraid, even.

I should have known that he was something dangerous. I should have been cautious then. But all I could think was, he saved me. At that moment, he seemed like Prince Charming. So handsome, so good, so unlike me...

He helped me up, handed me my scattered books, and gave me a smile. "Good Lord, you seem shaken up." I realized then that he had caramel eyes. He winked, and I felt myself heating up, blushing furiously.

"Thanks for the help." I stared at the floor.

"No problem. I'm Jace After. What's your name?"

I gave him a small smile and took back my books. Jace After. "I'm Scarlet Burn. Nice to meet you." Then I nodded and backed away.

He raised an eyebrow. "I thought I saw you in Algebra. Want to walk to the class with me?"

I felt alarmed. This guy has just saved me— Jace— and wanted to walk to class with me. I had to set him up straight. I wish I didn't have to. Yet, I did. "No, thank you."

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