[16] The Thirteenth Tape (Part 1)

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Sunny beamed as she welcomed him in. "Hey." Sunny was dressed up, with her blonde hair gently curled. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement, and she had a yellow dress on, with heels. Her necklace jingles whenever she moved, like a soft music.

"Hey," he said, giving her a smile. "Thanks for letting me come, Sunny."

Sunny shrugged. "No problem. It's about the thirteenth tape, isn't it?"

He stared at her. "How did you know?"

Sunny shook her head, smiling. "I figured. I'm guessing you want to listen to the second copy, am I right?"

"You're seeing right through me, Jennair. Why are you dressed up?" He asked curiously.

She winked. "I'm on a date." She twirled. " How much do you like it? I don't think yellow is my color. "

He rolled his eyes. "You look awesome. Who's the lucky guy?"

"It's secret. But thanks." Sunny beamed again, looking complete and happy. It made him feel proud, like an older brother sort of way. "What were we talking about again?"

He shook his head, grinning. "The tape."

Sunny smacked her head. "I'll go get it right now." She gave him a worried look. It made him nervous. "Don't expect to be informed, though. It's not much."

"What do you mean?" He asked, confused. "It's the entire tape, right? The entire recording."

"You'll see."

She slipped into her room, motioning for him to follow her. Then she covered his eyes with a blindfold and made him sit on her bed, then came back a few seconds later with a small tape in her hands.

"This is it," he breathed. "Thanks for the Walkman, by the way. I didn't have a chance to thank you."

She gave him a reluctant smile. "You're welcome, Deathy. Here, put it in and we can listen to it together."

He placed it in, almost shaking with excitement. He was almost done. Almost done fulfilling Glory's wish. Almost knowing why she did it. Almost there.

Sunny pressed her lips together and sat down on her chair, pressing Fluffy, the teddy bear, to her chest. "I feel like you're going to be disappointed."

He didn't have a chance to ask her for an explanation. As the tape started rolling, he leaned forward to listen, feeling greedy.

This person started it all— and ended it all.

He started breathing heavily. This was it. The end. The beginning, and the end, the reason why Glory finally decided to end her life. The final nail in the coffin.

Perished a life for eternity. Sometimes, all it takes is a small pill. To end it all. To end the pain, the despair.

His hands tingled with pain, but he stared firmly at his Walkman, setting his jaw. He gulped, breathing hard. So, so close.

Thank you for telling me, stepfather.

"Welcome to you tape, Morrowseer Wilson"

Sunny looked at him, and he looked at her. He was filled with disbelief. "The thirteenth person is....Morrowseer?" He breathed. It doesn't make sense.

Sunny nodded. "Listen."

That was it. The only thing that was left...was static.

But that was okay— it was all he needed.


"So, you need my help?"

Deathbringer paused. He hadn't had the chance to keep in touch with Blue, although they lived in the same street. "I have to ask you something," he said finally.

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