[7] Heartbreak (Again)

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Tape 2, Side B

(Especially sad. Avoid if possible ;)


He wanted to curl into a ball and sleep, but it was impossible. All the tapes were making him dizzy. He really didn't want to talk. "Leave me alone!" He yelled.

Quickstrike tried to open the door, but he had already been prepared for that. It was locked and impossible to open because the bed was pushed against it.

"Deathbringer!" Her voice started to get sharp. "come out here right now, young man!"

He blinked for a few moments, leaning his head against the door, his lips tightly pressed together.

"No." The word sounded bitter in his mouth. He had never said no to Quickstrike. Even when she said no to him every time he asked for something. He had always told himself it had to be that way. Resisted the temptation to throw tantrums. Their family was poor. He had to accept it.

But now, he didn't want to smile when he didn't feel like it and obey his mother when she was wrong. He didn't was to hide like a small child.

He was big now. Perhaps not enough to stand from his own mother, but enough to make his very own decisions.

He was tired— oh, so terribly tired.

"What did you say?" He felt bad for affecting her when he was the one in a bad mood, but he really wanted to be alone— no, needed to be alone.

He needed time. Time to digest. A break to take everything in. A small moment of peace a d muddle of complicated thoughts.

Then his anger exploded, spitting and twisting in fury, hot with dissatisfaction.

"I said no!" he screamed. Then the words flowed out, splashing everywhere like a waterfall. He paused for a moment, tasting the word in his mouth.

Even though he could not see his mother, he knew her face was contorted with surprise.

He couldn't stop. "I always said yes, every time you asked me about something! I tried to be a good son! For you..."

He gasped for breath. His chest raised and fell, and his eyes ran through his room like he was desperately trying to find something important. His heart hammered in his chest. "But you always say no. Do you know how many times I got ridiculed and laughed at because of you?" —He wanted to stop, but he couldn't — "I always thought we were a poor family. I tried to accept that. But then I realized, it wasn't because we were poor. It was because...because you don't like me. You don't like me because you didn't like my dad, and don't get me wrong, I don't give a crap who he is. All I ever cared about is you."

He gripped his doorknob until his knuckles turned white, and his eyes blinked shut. Shut safely, against this dangerous, hateful world. "You don't like me, but you feel sorry for me. So you kept me, but every time you see me you see my dad. Don't you think I caught you looking at me with that expression? You wish I wasn't born. You like Morrowseer enough to get everything he would ever want, but you don't like your own son—"

"Deathbringer..." Quickstrike was sobbing now. Yet, she did not deny anything.

"And you got tired of Morrowseer asking things for you, didn't you? But you're to scared to say no to him. You're a coward. You just want someone to take care of you. You want someone to clean the mess you made. But, guess what? It's not going to work. It never works."

He finished, gasping. Ever word he had squished deep down in his heart had came out. He realized tears were flowing out of his eyes like waterfall, and he silently wiped them off. He didn't want Quickstrike to think she controlled his emotions.

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