Extra Chapters

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Everyone knows the usual lines: there are thirteen sides to every story. But, the thing is, there's not only one story in each situation. There is a different side that no one has heard yet. But they will now.

Tape 1, Side A

"Welcome to your tape, Riptide Stanford"


I don't think we can be together anymore.
I loved being with you, Riptide. But I think we work out. Sorry if I ever hurt you.

-Glory B.

"Damn." His friends laughed as she came in to the party. He felt heat rising to his cheeks, and he staggered backwards as he lost his balance.

Goddess. That was the first word that popped into his mind. Tsunami Painter was a goddess. Her graceful movements, her smile, her sparkling blue eyes. She was perfect. She was a masterpiece.

She was a goddess.

Charlie whistled as Tsunami Painter came in to the party. He watched blankly as his friends went up to her, puffing out their chests and grinning ear to ear, trying to get her attention.

Unlike his friends, he ducked. He felt embarrassed that he had to see Tsunami when he was this badly drunk. Had Glory told her? Maybe she wouldn't see him-


No. He had no choice but to look up. "Hey," he said weakly. Tsunami shouldered past his friends and came up to him. She seemed nervous.

"Is Glory here?" Tsunami asked, fidgeting with her fingers. Her dress was neat and formal, like she had just came from the sky itself.

"I don't think she's here yet." He staggered forward and Tsunami barely caught him. She smelled like the ocean, fresh and pleasant. Glory. He felt a bang of rejection. Or was it pain? He just let the sweet aroma of Tsunami comfort him. Yet, after a few moments, she pushed him away roughly.

Tsunami had a reputation of being three things: harsh, sharp, and beautiful. Nobody dared to tease or hit on her if she showed she wasn't interested.

"What a nice boyfriend you are," Tsunami said, narrowing her eyes. "I hope you're not just playing with her. Because if you are, I'll beat you up."

He shrugged. Why was his mind so foggy? It was hard to concentrate. He was guessing Glory had not told her. "Sorry?"

Tsunami sneered, disgust written all over her delicate face. "You're drunk."

He shrugged again, grabbing a table to support his weight. "I am," he agreed.

"Look here, Golden Boy. Everyone might think you're Mr. Perfect, but I sure do not believe it." Tsunami bared her teeth. "If you hurt Glory in any way in shame or form- you're dead. You better be careful around her."

He raised an eyebrow. "Chill, Tsunami, and have a drink." He handed her a small glass of alcohol and winked. Time to be charming. He could manage that. He couldn't bear another word from her about Glory. It hurt.

She shook her head. "No."


"No. When I say no, I mean it."

His mind protested. I want to relax! "Fine." What's the thing that bothers Tsunami the most?

"I dare you."

Tsunami raised a perfect eyebrow, her features turning sharp. "Execuse me?"

"I challenge you to drink an entire glass."

At first he thought she was going to refuse, but a small glint in her eyes said otherwise. "I accept." She snatched it from his hands and gulped down the clear liquid without relish. She smirked, obviously proud of herself. "Ha."

He grinned. "I bet you can't do another one, though."

She stared at him suspiciously. "Whatever. That's stupid. I'm not going to do it."

"Coward," he taunted. Her cheeks flushed in anger, and, within seconds, she grabbed a random bottle from the table and drank it, her eyes scrunched shut.

"I'm guessing you like challenges," he said with a smile. Tsunami blinked.

"Yeah, I guess so."

That's when the flash of insanity struck. He clenched his fists. "If you're looking for Glory, she's probably not here."

Tsunami gave him a sloppy frown. "Huh? Why not? You invited her, didnt you?" Another suspicious look. "Did you?"

A deep breath. "She broke up with me."

A flash of surprise revealed itself in Tsunami's fierce eyes. "She did?"

He stared at the floor. "Yeah."

Tsunami blinked in confusion, her cheeks red from alcohol. "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that."

He shrugged, embarrassed. "It's okay."

Tsunami gently laid her hand on his shoulder, opening her mouth apologize. Then -

Insanity? He didn't know. But the touch awoke something in him- something screaming in hunger- and he couldn't bear it. He drew Tsunami closer, and that was it.

"What do you think you-" Tsunami's eyes flashed with alarm, but something, a glimmer in her eyes, said otherwise. Yes, she was a goddess.

His mind was so damn foggy that he didn't even care. "Just relax," he mumbled sleepily. He leaned closer, and they kissed. Tsunami kissed back after a couple startled moments, and his life was finally- finally- complete.

Did he feel like this when Glory kissed him? Or... was this even better?

They tripped into a bench, magically not breaking their kiss, and crashed down on it. Tsunami pushed him away, gasping. He grinned, but something made him turn. Was that Glory he saw in the corner of his eye? Something green and sparkly.

It couldn't be. She said she didn't want him anymore. She was the one that broke his heart.

It never occurred to him that the note that was supposedly written by Glory Bright wasn't exactly from her.

That was his first and biggest mistake.

13 REASONS WHY// Glorybringer [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now