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Quick note-N/n=Nickname

Hope you enjoy!!!

Your P.O.V.

We sat there for a while just holding each other and staring into the distance. I looked up at Peter just as he looked down at me. My breathe caught in my throat at how close our faces were. We simultaneously leaned in even closer and I closed my eyes.

Is he going to kiss me? I thought. I really shouldn't let him but...I want him to.

"Ahem" Peter and I jumped apart when someone cleared there throat behind us. I turned around to see Nat and Sam standing with their arms crossed. "What's going on here?" Sam asked, raising his eyebrows. I tried to swallow and, failing, replied, "We were just talking." Nat rolled her eyes as Peter slowly stood up. I did the same as he pretended to look at a watch on his wrist and said "Look at the time. May needs me home now so I gotta go." He waved and started making his way to the other side of the tower to swing his way home while saying "See you at school tomorrow!" And with that I was left alone with Natasha and Sam.

"Y/n...talk to me sweety." Nat said softly as she walked closer. I hung my head. "You like him. He likes you. You can't deny it anymore." I nodded my head slowly, still not looking up. "Have you talked to him?" This time it was Sam and I looked up when he put his hand on my arm.

"No...I didn't know how he felt so I didn't want to say anything to him." I was embarrassed and still worried that I was reading into things too much. They both looked at me sympathetically. "It's okay to like him n/n." Nat moved so her arm was all the way around my shoulders. I nodded. "I know, I'm just scared I'm going to ruin our friendship..." They both did their best to assure me that everything would be okay before we all went inside and went our separate ways to get some sleep. I didn't realize till I was almost asleep that I still hadn't given Pete his sweatshirt...Oh well.

I'll just give it back at school. I lay in bed for a while after that but I couldn't sleep. I grabbed my phone to text Ned and MJ. 

Group text:

Me-hey guys...i like Peter and I don't know what to do because i think he was going to kiss me earlier tonight but then Sam and Natasha found us so...help...

Ned-OMG y/n i knew it would happen!!! I've been convinced that he likes you for like soooo long ;)

MJ-congratulations loser! did he ask you out?

Me-no! of course not...Ned are you serious?

Ned-Well duh...i'd have to be blind not to see it

Me-...oh...i don't really know how to feel now so im going to go to bed. Night!

Ned-Good luck and good night!

MJ-Have fun sleeping. I don't need sleep:)


Peter's P.O.V.

I swung through the city the short distance home and snuck into my room through the window just like I had earlier that afternoon. I changed out of my suit and quickly found my phone to text Ned.

Me-Ned help me I don't know what to do!! I like y/n and i almost kissed her tonight

Ned-Dude!! that's great!! i don't see what you need help for!

Me-NED!!! She doesn't like me but I'm practically in love with her!! 

Ned-Umm...don't tell her I told you but...she just texted me about what happened and she admitted that she likes you a lot, she just doesn't think you like her

Me-Oh ok...I guess thats good. What should i do?

Ned-Ask her out!! You two are perfect for each other!

Me-I don't know...I'll think about it. Thanks for the advice.

Ned-no problem bro

Me-good night



Your P.O.V

It had been a couple days since the almost kiss with Peter and it was Friday. It seemed like he was trying to avoid me. I wanted to talk to him but it looked like that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. My birthday was next week and I wanted to see if him, MJ, and Ned wanted to do something over the weekend to celebrate, but I couldn't do that if Peter wouldn't talk to me.

Meanwhile, Parents day was also next week and I was trying not to think about it. It was going to be super humiliating to let Mr. Berman be right.


Peter's P.O.V.

It was lunch time on Friday and I hadn't talked to y/n since the night I almost kissed her. I wanted to ask her out but I was scared she would reject me. As I approached the lunch table I prepared myself to face her. She was talking to Ned and MJ but she looked up when I set my stuff down.

"Y/n can I talk to you outside for a minute?" I mentally smacked my forehead. I sounded like a boss who was about to fire her. She nodded and followed me outside the cafeteria. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath before speaking. "So...about the other night..." I paused and ran a hand through my hair, trying to formulate my thoughts into words. 

"Ireallylikeyouokandimsorryittookmesolongtotellyoubutiwasscaredyouwouldn'tfeelthesame!" A sucked a gulp of air into my lungs as y/n raised one eyebrow at me. "Come again? Maybe slower this time?" I nodded and smiled sheepishly. "I really like you and...I would've told you sooner but I was scared that you wouldn't feel the same. Do you--I--wait--sorry-" Y/n cut me off by putting her hand up. She flashed a shy little smile that made my heart flip. "I like you too." I sighed with relief. "Y/n...do you wanna be my girlfriend?" I waited, hoping I wasn't going to far.


Your P.O.V.

"Y/n...do you wanna be my girlfriend?" 

I froze. I couldn't believe this was happening. "Yes!!! Yes, yes, yes!!!" I squealed and hugged Peter. He hugged me back and I pulled back to look into his eyes. I playfully slapped his face. 

"What was that for?" He tried to look indignant but he couldn't hide the smile on his face. I smiled. "That's for taking so dang long." He laughed and pulled me closer. We eventually pulled away and walked back into the cafeteria. Ned and MJ saw our linked hands and exchanged a knowing look with each other and Pete. I rolled my eyes. They had probably known he was going to ask me out the whole time. But I didn't care. I was just happy that I could finally call Peter my boyfriend instead of my friend who's a boy.


Here it is!! I'm super happy about this chapter! Like always, feel free to comment with ideas, thought, anything :)

Love you guys!


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