Chapter 1

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(y/n)'s POV

'Last year of high school, huh? Well... it's time to make the most of it!' I smile brightly and walk onto campus grounds.

"Hey (y/n)! How was your break?" A girl shouted to me.

"Oh, it was good, girl. What about you?" I called back to her and she quickly responded. She seemed to appreciate the nickname I gave her but, to be completely honest, I have no idea what her name could possibly be.

I continued into school and after I said "hi" to a couple friends (and received greetings from strangers along the way), I went to class. When I got there I noticed that Light Yagami is in my class! I've had the biggest crush on him since a few months ago when we helped our fathers solve a case on serial murders in the area ...okay so that came out wrong. I like him because of how smart he is, not because I'm weird. My dad works for the task force so our fathers know each other pretty well.

I walk over to Light to greet him. "Hey Light! Long time, no see." I smiled at him and for a moment, I saw a look of confusion coat his face.

"Oh. Hi..." He tried really hard to remember my name but he couldn't grasp it.

I looked down in shame. "It's (y/n)... we met when we worked on the murder case together." I couldn't manage a voice above a whisper or I'd probably make a fool out of myself.

His eyes widened. "That's right! I think that your different hair style threw me off." He laughed nervously but kindly. The only problem with his statement was that I've had the same haircut for the past 6 years and I don't bother to change the way I style it.

"Right..." I walked away defeated. Eventually I decide to sit on the opposite side of the room so that he could forget me again and this whole awkward encounter blow over.


The first day of school is always the hardest. It felt like I had been sitting in this chair for days until the final bell rang.

"Finally." I sighed. I waited for most people to leave the class before I even stood up. Usually students walk up to my desk to say 'bye' to me anyway so I waited for that to end.

"Um hey.." I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and saw Light standing in front of me. He was looking away from me slightly but I knew he was talking to me.

"Hi Yagami. What can I help you with?" I ask half heartedly.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school today- right now." He held a comfortable, small smile directed at me.

"Um. Sure! Why not, we could get to know each other." I was nervous about being alone with him after the disaster that was this morning. Maybe things would be different this time.

We walked out of school and chatted about things that we like to do. As we walked, several people yelled to me and tried being friendly, meanwhile, other students were calling loudly to Light as well.

"You're pretty popular, huh?" He chuckled.

"I guess so. Most people know me through my mom. Her death was broadcast on the news a few years back. It shocked most people seeing as she was a top agent. Anyway, the city decided to hold a memorial parade in her memory." I smiled at the memory of my mother. "Most of the popularity is from pity so I don't really care for it."

"Oh yeah. I remember that parade. A ton of people showed up for it." He tried turning the conversation to a more positive perspective.

"Most people showed up for the snacks and drinks." I laughed but not in an upset way. "I don't really care though. I'm happy they came anyway. Mom would've wanted a bunch of happy drunks at her memorial." That remark was completely genuine. Mom always loved her liquor and her snacks.

"I see." He turned to look at something. "We're here!"

I saw a small cafe in front of us. "Wow this place looks so nice and I really needed a coffee." I joked.

We get a table in the back of the cafe. I order a caramel macchiato and cake while Light only gets a tea. We spent the next two hours talking and laughing together. This conversation was a lot more successful than it was this morning.

I looked at my watch, as I had lost track of time. "Oh no!" I hastily grabbed my bag and straightened up my school uniform. "Thank you for taking the time out of your day to accompany me Yagami." I say over my shoulder as I grab our waiter's attention and pay the bill.

"Please," I feel a small tug on my sleeve. "Call me Light." He tilts his head as he smiles.

'God he's beautiful.'

"Of course, Light." I smiled at him and stared into his brown eyes for a bit too long. "Oh!" I snapped out of my thoughts again. "Dad wanted me to be home by 6 but it's 6:10! I'm sorry but I have to go! Call me?" He probably nodded his head but I didn't see because I already ran out and headed home.

Light's POV

I feel so bad about forgetting (y/n)'s name earlier. She's a very pretty girl so I'm not sure how I managed to erase her from my memory.

I smiled to myself as I walked to the train station to get home. 'What's that?' I see a weathered notebook laying in the grass. 'That's weird.' I pick it up and take it home with me.

(y/n)'s POV

"Dad! I'm home!" I yell as I quickly take off my shoes but I didn't hear a response. "Dad?" I walked through the house and tried to find him. It was 6:29 so he should be home by now. Suddenly the front door opened and I heard my father shuffle in. "Dad!" I jump on my father to hug him. It took me a few seconds to realize that he had tears running down his face.

"(Y/n)?!" He tightly held me in his arms. He began to ramble, "You didn't come home when you said you would and you weren't picking up your phone so I drove around trying to find you but you weren't anywhere I looked. I thought I lost you!" My father took my mother's murder worse than anyone in my family. He always wants me to show up on time no matter what or else he freaks out. I understand why he does but it can be difficult to live with him sometimes.

"It's okay dad. I was just with a friend. Where's Yuta?" I ask, changing the subject.

"...I asked the neighbor to watch him for a minute while I looked for you." Dad's usual stoic tone and facial expression softened as he calmed down.

"Okay I'll go get him and start dinner." My father thanked me and I went to fetch my little brother and then proceed to make dinner for all of us, as usual.

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