Chapter 8

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I got out of school and headed to the daycare with Light. "Thank you for coming to get Yuta with me. I know it's inconvenient." I frowned at my feet as we walk.

I feel his fingers interlock with mine, giving me a small squeezed reassurance before saying, "It's not inconvenient. The daycare is on the way to your house anyway. We are still hanging out, right?" He asks with a smirk.

"Of course Light!"

A brief summary of (y/n)'s findings
Most of the digging I did for the Kira case suggests that Kira is an extremely intelligent student who lives in Japan. Based on the fact that Kira's killing pattern changed after the police reports came out that it was possible that he is a student suggests that he has ties with the police. With Shoko's deduction, it shows that he can kill in a number of ways as long as he has a name and a face. I assume that Kira usually kills with a heart attack because he wants the fact that he can kill in a number of ways to be kept a secret. A lot of evidence could point to Light being Kira but of course if we look at it like that then I could be Kira too but I couldn't bring myself to remove Light from my suspect list. Especially not after Yuta got a bad feeling from Light and how Shoko disappeared. I asked the receptionist later about if a woman came in there anytime that day and they said she did and that she left with Light. If Light were acting strange then I would call the police immediately but he seems like a regular kid. Kira was constantly on my mind now, especially after all of the FBI agents were killed. I really hope he isn't Kira though... I'm really falling for him, but he seems kind of distant lately. Maybe that's just my imagination.

I ran inside and got Yuta from one of the care takers. "So Yuta... are you excited about starting kindergarten soon?" Light asked my brother in a soft voice.

"Yeah but (nickname) says I have to do homework when I go to school." Yuta responds. Since Light has been around Yuta a lot since school has started, my brother really likes Light now. I held my brother's small hand and Yuta grabbed Light's hand so he was standing between us. I felt like a couple picking their son up from daycare and by the look my boyfriend was giving me, I could tell he felt the same way.

We reached my house about 15 minutes later. "Okay Yuta go sit at the table and I'll get you a snack." My brother happily complied. After his snack, the now five year old started falling asleep at the table. "Let's take a nap-" I realized that Yuta was completely passed out when I finished cleaning up his dishes.

"Here. I'll take him." Light gently picks up the sleeping boy and puts him to bed. Light found me in my room after he finished tucking my brother in. "How do you do that every day? He wouldn't let me go." I chuckle.

"I'm use to it by now. I've been his 'mom' since he was born pretty much." I smiled gently but really I just wanted to fall apart. Yuta is my world but being his 'mother' really took a toll on me. And now with Kira killing people related to the police... I wonder if I can keep him safe.

Light's POV

I sat next to (y/n) on the bed and pulled her into my lap. "Hey Light..."


"Do you think... do you think Kira will ever be caught?" She asked me and for a moment I froze. I knew there were cameras around my house now but I doubt L would put them around (y/n)'s house too. I can speak pretty freely here but I can't tell her I'm Kira.

"Why are you worried? He only kills people who do wrong." If she commits a crime then I have no choice but to kill her. If she doesn't die then L will know that I'm protecting her and that I'm Kira but at the same time I don't want to see her, of all people, die.

"Kira goes after anyone that gets in his way... I want to help the police catch him. Do you think I'll die if I try to catch him? What will happen to Yuta?" Her grip on me tightens slightly and a small tear trickledown her face. I couldn't tell her she wouldn't be killed because it might make her suspicious of me. I want to comfort her as much as possible though.

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