EXTRA: Yuta's final decision

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Months passed.
Instead of getting used to the new silence in his life, it mad him go even more mad. The responsibility that was thrown onto him after his sister's death was too much for Yuta. He stayed with L and the two apprentices, but he still suffered from loneliness.

"Hey, kiddo." Mellow crossed the room and stood in front of Yuta. He pushed aside the game he was playing so he could have his full attention. "I was wondering what flavor of cake you like best?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Just because. You don't have to tell you if you don't want to." Mellow walked away with his arms crossed, pouting slightly.

Even though he was a bit standoff-ish, Mellow was concerned for the two children who worked alongside him. 'It seems like he's forgotten... he didn't remember that today's his birthday. I'll have to keep an eye on him.'


Yuta walked around the indoor garden to get some fresh air.

"Why did he ask me that?" He thought out loud. "We always have cakes and desserts. Today.. isn't.... it's my birthday. I completely forgot about it." The boy smiled to himself and clenched his chest. "Finally, today is it."

Most people would never have forgotten when their birthday is, but Yuta was different. Weeks leading up to his birthday, (y/n) would constantly bring it up and heavily plan for a small party. Since it's the first time he had to celebrate his birthday alone, he felt more alone than ever. And even more than that, he felt like a burden. He was unable to make his owns meals and tie his own shoes.

"Hopefully I won't be a burden anymore..."


"Hey Near," Mellow called to the small, frail child. "Don't you think Yuta is acting weird today?"

Near sighed and set aside his action figures. "He always is. He hasn't gotten over the death of (y/n). You know how much she meant, to him, I mean."

"Well obviously, but I think it's more than that." The teen ran his fingers through his perfectly groomed orange hair and leaned against the wall. "She died, like, 8 months ago and he still isn't able to function. I just feel like he and you need to-"

"That's enough, Mellow." Rising his voice a bit, Near silenced his friend. "Just leave it alone. He'll go back to the way he was before."

Mellow clearly wasn't getting anywhere with the conversation, so he left, Yuta heavy on his mind.

'The kid's got to feel lonely. I should probably swing by soon since L's away on another case.' The teen stopped by the kitchen to find something sweet to dine on when he ran into Yuta.

"Oh! Sorry.. Mellow." The boy kept his head down and attempted to bypass the older boy.

Mellow caught one of Yuta's shoulders and chuckled. "It's not a problem, kid." He still refused to let go of Yuta until he could talk to him. "Hey, I know it's your birthday and all, so why don't we do something?"

"But we can't leave the building. What would we do?" Even though Yuta has never been interested in making friends with Mellow, he appreciated any sort of attention he got.

"That's right... what did (y/n) do with you on your birthday?"

"Well," a small glimmer of happiness flashed through the child's eyes. "She used to buy superhero movies and get lots of snacks. We would sit with each other for hours and sometimes, I think, dad was there. Yeah! He bought me an action figure! In fact, last year I met you and Near on my birthday!"

For the first time in almost a year, Mellow recognized the old Yuta. "Okay then we'll do that, I guess. I'll have one of the maids help us with snacks and can all watch movies tonight. Is that alright-"

Mellow's eyes rested on the boy again. The spark of enjoy was gone and he looked melancholic. "But... (Nickname)... she won't be there." He began to sob; breaking down from the built up stress the day held. "She's never coming back, is she?!"

After a long pause, Mellow said, "Yeah, that's pretty tough, Yu. We'll ALL never see her again. I'll never get to see her kick L's ass again. Near will never get to play dolls with her again. You will never cuddle next to her. Watari will never get the chance to cook with her. L will never be able to love her.... we are all trying to make you comfortable here but you make things 1,000 times harder when you're always pushing everyone away. Acting like you're the only one who's upset about it!"

Yuta watched in as Mellow's usual laidback expression was frowned and angry. "...I didn't... I'm sorry..."

"Don't be, Yu. I'm just saying that we all are trying to get over it, but it's not fair that you get to deal with it on your own. You have Near with you. Talk to him if you have a problem; stop acting like you're the only one who's ever lost anyone."

He'd never been talked to so rudely before. When it came to (y/n), no one tried to upset Yuta or speak their mind about his behavior. This was the first time he realized that the more he mourned his sister, the harder it was for everyone to say goodbye to her.

"...thanks, Mellow." Yuta left to his room. When he got there, he pulled out a bag he hid under his shirt. He filled it with all of the strong prescriptions and drugs he stole from around the building onto his desk and pushed them aside.

'Now... what do I do? I was so sure about this 10 minutes ago.' The boy looked into the bag of pills he took. He had the intention of ingesting all of the drugs at once so he didn't have to live anymore, but he now questioned himself. He wondered if that was the right thing to do. 'I never even thought about what Mellow said. I'm such an idiot!'

Yuta threw the bag aside and made up his mind to live a little longer. To try the new perspective he was just given. 'Dammit Mellow! He always is a step ahead of me-'

The child noticed something on his desk. It was a small envelope that was addressed to him. "Hm? What's this?" He opened it and found two letters inside.

The first one read:

        To Yuta,

I understand these last months have been very difficult for you. I'm not (y/n) so I don't know how to take care of you or help you recover, but I think I know someone who can. A few weeks ago I found letter for you at your house you shared with your sister. I guess she left it for you but you never saw it. Anyway, I hope it helps you even though I can't. Happy birthday, Yuta.


Even more curious than before, Yuta desperately opened the other letter and soaked in each word.

Hey Yuta!

It's strange that I've just put you to bed and now I'm writing this farewell letter to you. I'm going to work as a detective just as mom and dad did, so it could be dangerous. I never thought about dying and leaving you alone before. I hope you can forgive me if that ever happens.... but now that I think of it you wouldn't be reading this if I WAS alive sooooo.... dammit! I wanted this letter to make me sound cool but it's already caving in on me!
Anyway, even if I'm gone one day, I want you to keep on living. I want you to keep experiencing the world and make your own celebrations and memories. I have already asked L to take care of you if I do pass away, so I know you'll be safe and have a few friends at your side!
Please keep up your studies or else you'll be the world's most unintelligent detective ever haha! Mom, dad, Light and I will be watching you so keep us entertained! And while I'm up here, I'll finally kick Light's ass for trying to kill me that one time but I'm sure I'll forgive him if he apologizes. Boy I'm a pushover.

Love you lots!,
Your big sis, (Nickname) <3

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