Chapter 4

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"What do I think of Kira?" I repeat and Light nods his head. "Honestly I think he should stop murdering people. It's not okay to kill people who are already in prison and serving their sentence." I crossed my arms. "And besides... he's killed some innocent people too and that's unforgivable." I looked up at Light and he leaned in closer to me.

"I couldn't have said it better myself!" He gently smiles and pulls out a red notebook (A/N: it's a regular notebook lol) . "I have been tracking Kira's activity and what he has been up to and how he kills. I wanted your opinion on the matter before I showed you my evidence. You know, just in case you supported him."

I giggled and nodded my head. "Of course."

We spent an hour talking about Kira and went over each other's work. "I want to help with the investigation so bad but my dad doesn't think that's necessary yet. He wants me to focus on school and taking care of Yuta."

"Well he's got a point. Next to me you're the most intelligent student in the entire school." He gave me a look of admiration and understanding.

"Yeah I guess so but I still want nothing more than to help with the Kira investigation... especially because of L."

"Because of L? The guy in charge of the Kira investigation?" I nod my head and pull out a small note.

I tenderly held the piece of scratch paper between my fingers. "When my mom died a nurse gave us a package from a man who claimed that he worked with her. At first I couldn't remember where I had heard his name until I read this note again... L stands for what my mom stood for. They both want justice for everyone. There is no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't let me help with the case." When I looked at Light, he looked slightly jealous but that look of jealously left as soon as it came.

"I understand. He holds a special place in your heart because of your mom. It makes perfect sense."

We talked about the upcoming tests and hobbies. We decided that we should study together sometime.

"I should probably get going. It's almost 4." I said as I checked my watch.

"Oh come on. Why do you have to leave so soon?" He playfully whined.

"You know why silly. I have to go home and watch something with my brother. His superhero show is on at 4:30 so I have to be there in time." I started out of the room but Light called me. "Yes, what is i-"

I was cut off by his arms wrapping around me. "Take care on your walk back. And call me when you get the chance." He let go of me and smiled.

"Okay!" A smile spread across my pink cheeks and I headed home. Outside, I eventually found the spy.

"Come on out little spy! I know you're there." I yelled to the metal dumpster and sure enough the man came out from behind it. "Come on! I'm walking home. Want to walk with me?" The spy agreed and we began towards my house. "Listen, I know you can't tell me your name, so what can I call you?"

"How about Eli?" He suggests.

"Perfect!" We talked all the way to my house. He didn't reveal anything about his personal life and I didn't ask. He did, however, give me his business phone number in case I needed it. We mainly talked about shows that came out recently and video games that we wanted but couldn't buy. It was fun.

Light's POV

"Dammit!" I curse after (y/n) left my house.

"What's up with that face?" Ask Ryuk.

"Didn't you hear her?! She hates Kira and loves L! They even have a weird history." I felt myself getting more and more jealous and angry. "And on top of all of that, I have this guy following me."

Ryuk looks out of the window. "Well it looks like you don't have to worry about the guy following you right now."

"What do you mean?" I look out the window to see my stalker with (y/n). She points in the direction of her house and they start walking towards it while laughing and talking. "Dammit. I'll kill him!"

Ryuk laughs, "how do are you going to do that when you don't even know his name?" I glared at the shinigami.

"I'll find a way to get his name." Of all of the girls I've ever had an interest in, (y/n) was the only one that I couldn't get out of my mind. She's beautiful and graceful. She is very kind yet playfully snarky. And she's the only girl in school who actually cared about her studies and was intelligent too. But that intelligence is dangerous. "The main problem right now is her deductive skills. She already suspects a lot of what the police do and based on some of her theories, it seems that she has also hacked into her father's police files to gain some of her evidence."

"So are you gonna kill her?" Ryuk asks like the dense idiot he is.

"Of course not! I just need to find a way to get her to not suspect me." I turned back to my desk.

'This could be a lot harder than I expected, but I have a plan.'

(Y/n)'s POV

"Yeah! Cyborg Cider Man #2 is the greatest superhero ever!" Yuta yelled as his favorite show started.

"Okay Yuta. Be a little bit more quite. We can't hear what's happening if you don't calm down." I say to my brother and he obeys, turning his head back to the TV.

"(Y/n)?" I hear my dad say as he sat down beside me on the couch. His old joints popped when he rested his legs but his grey hair was perfectly styled as always.

"Yes dad?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm very proud of you for taking such good care of your brother the past few weeks. I know that it must have been hard on you but I appreciate it." He smiled at me with caused his aged face to wrinkle a small bit.

"No problem dad. I don't mind helping my family out. It's my job after all." I replied, quiet enough not to disturb Yuta's show.

"One more thing (y/n)... I've decided to stop assisting in the Kira investigation." His face was very serious so I knew he wasn't lying.

"What?!" I said loudly. Yuta didn't seem to care about anything that was happening besides his show. "How could you drop out of the investigation? Who else is going to do it if you don't?"

He lowered his head in shame. "I had to drop out. Kira may go after the police soon and I don't want to take a chance on me, you, or your brother getting hurt."

"Dad I understand that but catching Kira is more important than worrying about us. After wiping out the criminals, Kira might attack the police force anyway!" I looked away from my father, harsh lines appeared on my face. "Mom always wanted justice to prevail. If you won't do the job she left behind, then I will."

My father looked at me in disbelief for a moment. He understood that there was no reason to try to talk me out of investigating because I had already made my mind up. "If they will let you work on the case then I guess I can't stop you." He looked at me and I knew what he was thinking. I knew that for a moment... he could see my mother in me.

"Thank you dad." My family snuggled up together on the couch and finished the show.

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