EXTRA: Yuta's devistation

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"Kira! My poor Kira! You're gone... but I can avenge you. I can make whoever did this to you pay now that I have my very own Death Note!"

3rd person POV, Yuta and (NN) at home

"Hey Yuta!" (Nickname) politely cooed to her brother.

"I told you not to call me that! It's such a lame, baby name.." the short boy folded his arms and pouted like a child.

"Hey!" (Nickname) hit him over the head with one of her textbooks. "I named you so you'll have to deal with it."

Yuta grumbled under his breath but eventually cracked a smile when he saw his sister's messy, up-all-night-researching hair.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny," (Nickname) grabbed her brother, pulled him onto the couch and tickled him jokingly. "Now tell me where you want to eat, jerk!"

"*giggle* Ra-men*snort* I said ramen!" (Nickname) stopped playing with her younger brother when she laughed so hard they both fell from the couch.

"Okay, okay. We'll have ramen.... again." Fixing her tingled hair, she called to Yuta, "change into some new clothes. You look a mess, goober."


It only took the siblings a minute and a half to be out the door and on their way to the local ramen shop.

Stranger POV

"That's her, right Rem?"

"Yes. That is who Ryuk said it was anyway."

"Yeah, yeah. You said that last time but it didn't work!"

"That is because-"

"Because her given name is different for her true one. I know that!" I turned back to the weirdly pretty young woman and her kid brother. "As long as I have these shinigami eyes, I can kill anyone! Especially my poor Kira's murderer."

3rd person POV, Yuta and (NN)

"Hey Yuta," (Nickname) picked up her pace.

"Yeah... someone's behind us. In the bushes, right?"

"Oh~? So you've been paying attention to my location awareness and self defense lessons." The oldest tried to make light to the situation even though she was nervous. She assumed it would keep Yuta from getting scared.

"Of course I have. So what do we do?" Yuta asked, slightly irritated with (Nickname)'s jokes.

"L shouldn't have left the city yet. ...let's pray anyway. Push your buckle and call him when I-" (Nickname)'s heart felt as if it were being squeezed. She fell to the ground, banging her fists against her chest, trying to get it to function properly again.

"(N-Nickname)...! You okay?!" Yuta tried shaking his sister's shoulder's, hoping it was some sick prank she was pulling. He immediately recognized that she wasn't due to the pale complexion she acquired.

"*gasp* K-Kira...! I... failed...Y-" Yuta repeatedly smashed his belt button buckle, a button only to be pressed in case of emergencies.

"You'll be alright (Nickname)!-" When the boy looked back into his sister's eyes, they were gazed over. Her limp body, only supported by his own. "(N-nic)... wake up!" Not caring how hard he shook her, Yuta desperately tried to get (Nickname) to come back to life; she never did.

"...don't leave. Not you..."

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