Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s POV

When I got to the police station I couldn't find Shoko anywhere. It was strange that she would just not show up, especially when she was so sure about speaking with task head quarters.

"Hi! could I speak with anyone from task force head quarters?" I asked the receptionist.

"Oh hey (y/n)! You would be able to but no one is in right now." He looked past me for a second and then spoke again. "Oh wait. There is someone here that you can talk to."

"Thank you so much sir." I walk up to the man who just came in.

"You're Hojo's daughter right?" I nod my head.

"Sir, I came here to ask if I could please help with the Kira investigation. I want to help!" I bow my head to him, pleading.

"Um well... I'm not really the one to ask." He pulls out a phone and calls someone. "You'll have to talk to someone else. Oh right, here they are." I stare intensely at the man as he talks to Light's father. I recognized his name when Aizawa mentioned it. "He wants to speak with you."

I pick up the phone. "Hello?"

"Yes this is chief Yagami. I understand that you wanted to help with the case young lady?"

"Yes Mr. Yagami! I would like to help anyway that I am able."

"Well I just left a meeting with the overseer of the task force so I'll have to talk to them before I give you an answer."

"But sir-"

"(Y/n) I know that you're a good detective but we need to be careful about who we let work with us." He says sternly.

"Yes sir..." I pout.

"Good. I'll give you a call when I get an answer." I agreed and gave him my number. "Alright. Goodbye (y/n)."

"Bye Mr. Yagami." I hung up. After saying bye to Aizawa and the receptionist, I started to head home. On my way there, I saw Light ahead of me. "Hey Light!" I shout to get his attention.

"Hm? Oh hey (y/n). I didn't know that you would be around here." He grabbed my hand and held it in his.

"Yeah well I went by the station. I was supposed to meet a friend up here but I guess that isn't going to happen." I looked up at my boyfriend and he seemed happier than usual. "What has your spirits up?" I poke his cheek.

"I run into my girlfriend on a beautiful snowy day, why wouldn't I be happy?" He looked warmly at me. "Are you free now?"

"Yeah. Actually I'm free for a few hours. Dad's having a boy's day with Yuta. He wants to bond with him more so I'm free for a while."

"Good." We walked to his house. "Hey mom, Sayu. I'm home." Light calls as we take off our shoes and coats.

"Hey big bro!" Sayu walks into the doorway and sees me standing there with Light. "Oh hey (y/n)! I didn't know you were bringing your girlfriend over Light." She taunted.

"What's it to you if I invite my girlfriend over?" He shoots back. I felt a little embarrassed with what they were both saying.

"Mom! (Y/n) is Light's girlfriend now! Can you believe it?!" Sayu calls to her approaching mother.

"Quiet down Sayu." She lightly chuckles at her daughter. "Hello (y/n), can I get you two some tea?"

"That would be great. Thanks mom." Light walks upstairs to his room and I follow.

"So Light... what do you want to do?" I was scanning the seemingly endless amount of books he had covering his walls. I felt his hands rest on my hips and turn me to face him. His face was so close to mine. "Light-" His lips crashed into mine; I was completely taken aback. I definitely wasn't expecting him to kiss me but I was so glad he did. I slid my hands up his arms until I wrapped my arms around his neck. All too soon the kiss ended and Light pulled away.

"Hm." I pouted, keeping my arms around his neck.

"What?" He chuckles. He knows exactly what but he wants to play dumb.

I lean into him again to try to kiss him. Just when our lips meet, Sayu opens the door. "Mom wanted me to- OH MY GOD! NO WAY!" She squealed excitedly which caused her to drop our tea.

"And this is why I have been locking my door." My boy sighs.

Mr. Yagami's POV

"Ryuzaki... I got a call from one of the previous task force members' daughter yesterday." I inform Ryuzaki, or L. "She wants to join us and find Kira."

L sips his tea and then replies after he has drank a satisfying amount. "What is her name and is she trustworthy?"

"Her name is (y/n) Kitamura. She also happens to be my son's girlfriend and a very bright student. She has worked on several cases with her father and our team. I trust her just as much as I trust any of you." The others in our mini task force chimed in on their pleasant experiences with her (all except Matsuda. He hasn't met her yet.)

"Well I'll think about it," L eats a piece of cake. "I think that I've heard that name somewhere before. Watari, please look up a (y/n) Kitamura.-"

A phone starts ringing, so L picks it up. He is notified about the disappearance of an ex-FBI agent who was Raye Penber's fiancée. He decides that surveillance in both households of the families that Raye was investigating. Mine and the Kitamura household.

Watari pulls L's attention back to the computer. "Ryuzaki. I have found out who (y/n) Kitamura is." L walks over to the computer and looks at it sideways.

"She looks so familiar... but from what?"

"She is the daughter of Hojo and Koukito Kitamura." He pulls up pictures of the girl's parents. "Her mother worked under you a few years back, in London, before she died. We sent the girl that picture, remember?"

L's eyes flashed, like he just remembered who he was looking at. "I remember her. Her mom loves sweets so I sent her to a bakery after we finished the case. When I found out about her stabbing later, I had you take the picture and note to her daughter." He stared at the screen a moment longer before snapping back to reality. "At any rate, we need to monitor both families. Mr. Yagami, you will accompany me when I watch your house or when Light goes to the Kitamura household. In the case of (y/n), I will do surveillance for her house by myself or with one of you." We all agreed and left the hotel room.

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