Chapter 9

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"Hey dad." I called softly through the bars.

"Hello (y/n)." My father wouldn't look at me. I knew that he felt ashamed about his only daughter seeing him in such a place when he wasn't working.

"Here's your blood pressure medicine." The guards and police officers already knew that I was bringing it so they didn't have a problem with me giving it to him. "So... mind telling me why you're here?" My father sighed deeply and began telling me what happened.

Light's POV

"So Light," The shinigami asked. "What will you do if (y/n) figures out that you're Kira?"

We just left (y/n)'s house. Only when Ryuk started talking, was I pulled out of my thoughts.

"I'm not sure how I'll feel about it but... I guess I would have to kill her." I had already come to terms with her dying by my hand.

"Oh? Why would you kill her?"

"She hates Kira, remember? If I told her that I'm him or if she found out then I'm sure she would tell my dad or someone on the task force." Ryuk lazily agreed. "Besides... I don't think that she suspects me. I mean who would accuse their boyfriend of being Kira?"

"The daughter of two skilled detectives." Ryuk grumbled behind me.

'He has a point. I don't want to think about it but she may suspect me despite knowing me. She is very observant so I better be more careful.'

Finally I got home. I felt more on edge now that I know there are cameras in the house. I decided to go upstairs and study. I had only been studying for a couple of hours and (y/n) was almost completely out of my mind when I heard my sister Sayu call me from downstairs.

"Light! Come here!"

"What is it?" I call from my doorway.

"I think you're going to want to see this." She responds simply.

I sighed and walked downstairs to my couch potato sister. "Okay. What did I need to see?" She just points to the TV and I notice that the news is on.

"I am Rebecca Chainy. I am coming to you live with an incredible story." A picture pops up on the screen.

"Wait... that's (y/n)'s Dad. What's he doing on TV?" I say to myself.

"This man is a police officer and was caught a couple hours ago for groping women on the subway." The reporter continued talking but I wasn't paying much attention. This story was unbelievable. (Y/n) has never mentioned anything about her father being this type of scum. "If we can't trust our policemen then who can we trust? We will have updates on this story soon. I am Rebecca Chainy and that was your 6 o'clock news."

"See? I thought you would want to see it."

I paused a moment before saying anything. "Thank you Sayu. I think I'll talk to (y/n) later and get her view point." I began walking upstairs again and closed my door.

"Uh oh. You've got that look in your eye. You're going to use the Death Note, right?"

'Of course. There's no way I'll let that scum go near (y/n) again.' I couldn't respond verbally because of the cameras.

I pulled out my Death Note and wrote one name in it:
Hojo Kitamura

(Y/n)'s POV

"So that's what happened? I see." I stood up from my chair and began to leave the room. "I'm glad that it wasn't anything serious. Officer Brody told me that you should be out of here by tomorrow since you were interrogated earlier."

"Yeah," my father gave me one of his warm smiles. His eye and cheek wrinkles deepened. "I'll wake you and Yuta up tomorrow with breakfast. How's that sound?" He let out a small jolly laugh that was deep and gravelly.

"Whatever you want to do dad. I'm gonna go get Yuta. He'll want to say bye before we leave." My father nodded and I come see that his eyes were smiling at the mention of his son's name.

After Yuta gave dad a hug, we left and went back home. I left my father's medicine with the other officers so he should be fine for tonight.

'I'm glad that things turned out okay. If that wasn't fixed as quickly as it was then I'm sure Kira would have targeted my dad. I guess I don't have to worry.'

It was late so I made my brother and I some instant noodles. I finally had a chance to check my phone when I sat down to eat. I guess when I was running around my house, I forgot to grab my phone. I flipped open my phone and saw that I had over 200 missed calls.

'Woah. What's that about? I didn't even get this many calls when Light went on a date with Kiki.'

I called back the last person who called which was some kid I didn't even know.

'How do all of these people keep getting my phone number?'

I'm immediately greeted with a voice. "OH MY GOD, (Y/N)! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOUR DAD IS LIKE THAT? ARE YOU OKAY?!"

"Like what?" He explains what he saw on the news.

'Oh no. This isn't good. I bet Sakura TV just took whatever someone told them about my father. Since his story was on the news then that means- DAD'S IN TROUBLE!'

"I-I have to go- but before I do, my dad is nothing like that and he is to be released tomorrow because he did nothing wrong. Goodbye!" I quickly hung up and frantically called someone else.

"(Nickname)... what's wrong? Are you okay?" I hear my brother's soft voice from across the table.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine just eat your-" The person answered the phone. "Oh thank goodness! Mr. Yagami hi!"

"(Y/n)? What's going on?"

"I think my dad's in trouble."

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