Chapter 2

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(y/n)' POV

Over the past couple of weeks, Light and I have become closer. We hangout every once in a while after school, but recently my dad has decided that he doesn't want me to go out after school anymore. On top of that there is a new new development in the world: Kira.

To be completely honest, I'm not sure that I agree with this guy's message. He 'passes rightful judgment' onto criminals but to me he seems like a child who's playing God.

Today I'm supposed to go on a 'date' with Light. It's more like we're going to a movie together but it kind of feels like a date.

"I'm going on a date~" I repeated out loud as I jumped around my house. Suddenly an international message showed up on the TV. It was kind of creepy and eerie but I couldn't stop watching it. A man named L was challenging Kira, for some reason I felt as though I've heard that name before. Eventually this 'L' guy tricked Kira into revealing that the murderous madman is in Japan! I was so baffled by L's intellect and I kind of chuckled at Kira's major fail.

Soon after the message went away, Light called me and canceled our get together. "No it's okay. I understand." I said sadly. I tried to sound less hurt than I actually was but it didn't work.

After Light's call, dad called me.


"Hey (y/n). I know that I said that I would be home early tonight but..."

"Dadddd! You've been at work late for weeks now! I was hoping that we could all eat together for once." I coughed a few times and sniffed. Sick days are never fun.

"I know but darling I need you to take care of your brother. He's at daycare and I can't get out of work anytime soon. They need my help in finding-"

"Yes, finding Kira. You know dad, I could help you out with that if you would let me."

"I think we have it handled right now. I'll let you know if we do need your help though. Now go get your brother. He was supposed to be picked up half an hour ago."

Dad hung up the phone and I sighed. I ran out of the house and picked up Yuta. He took a nap on my back the whole way back to the house. Since he's only four he isn't that heavy so I didn't mind carrying him.

When we got home I tired to put him in his bed but he refused to sleep so I ended up having to hold him on my hip while I cooked dinner. Yuta is a very sweet kid but he's so attached to me that it makes it hard for me to do anything.

We ate dinner without dad. I bathed my kid brother and then put him in his bed before going back downstairs. I fixed my father a plate and covered it with foil and then made him, myself, and Yuta a lunch for tomorrow. After that I went upstairs to my room and began studying. An hour into my study session, my adorable brother comes into my room and silently crawled into my bed.

He does this every night. I put him to sleep at 8 and he sleeps for about two hours and then he comes into my room so he can sleep. Since my mom died right after he was born, I have kind of become a mother figure for him.

"Hey Yuta. I'll be done in a bit." I turned back to my desk and heard a faint "okay" come from behind me. Soon enough I turned off my desk light and crawled into bed with my small brother. I placed a small kiss on his head and cuddled him into my arms. "Goodnight Yuta. I love you."


"Hey (y/n)! Do you want to hangout today?" Light asked me after class.

"I would love to but I'm taking care of my brother today... and the next day, and the next day, and the next." I hardly slept at all the past few days. I was busy enough with school and Yuta but on top of that I decided to help with the Kira case.... without Dad's permission of course... and with his police files. I basically just looked at his pattern of killings and victims. Based on my observations: Kira is childish but he's smart. Extremely intelligent.

Light looked at me for a moment, as if he was thinking about something. "Do you want any help with your brother?" He asked nicely. I noticed that not long after he said that, his pupils darted to the corner of his eye and he narrowed his eyes ever so slightly. I shake off the quick look and accept his offer.

"We can walk to the daycare after school. How about that?" I asked and he agreed.

School ended soon and I met Light by the school's entrance. Some guys looked me up and down before waving and saying hi.

"It seems that you're more appreciated that you think you are." His eyes narrowed at the boys and almost looked jealous.

"I doubt it. It happens all the time but it doesn't mean anything." I kept walking to the daycare. I had to hurry before they closed but Light's words clung to me. 'Why does it look like he actually cared about the looks I'm getting from other guys and what's with that glare?'

Recently I've noticed a different look in Light's eyes. He looks at certain people with a slight glare like random guys who like me and weirdly suspicious people on the street. I decided it had something to do with him being jealous, which I hoped he was.

We reached the daycare soon and picked up Yuta.

"Hey Yuta, look! This is my good friend Light Yagami!" I said in a higher voice than my natural tone. Yuta looked at Light intensely. My brother finally shied away from Light and my friend looked a bit hurt and confused.

"Usually kids love me. *awkward laugh* I guess that's a first for everything." We all went back to my house and I did you usual night routine but this time I had Light to help me. Light chopped vegetables while I sang with the child's show that was playing for Yuta, then I cooked dinner (with my brother on my hip of course) while Light set the table, and after we ate, we put food in containers for dad.

"I understand the struggle of having a dad on the task force so I don't mind helping." Light looked at his watch. "I guess I should be going now. I'll see you tomorrow at school."

After Light left, I washed my brother, put him to sleep, studied, and then went to bed with the small (h/c) haired boy.

"So Yuta, what do you think of Light?" I asked.

Yuta shakes his head. "Bad. He makes me scared." The boy was asleep in a second so I didn't have the chance to ask what he meant. It's said that children and animals can sense things that we can't but I doubt Light is bad... right.

'That was weird. Maybe I should take note of Yuta's words. He could be right, as much as I hate to admit it. Everyone is a suspect when you're looking for Kira.'

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