Chapter 14

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(A/N: I'm sure most of you thought the story ended BUT that was never where I intended on leaving the story. This chapter could be considered ending #1... I guess. BUT if you like sad stories then I'd advise you read the next chapters after this one. Sorry for the confusion!)

"Dammit Yuta! We have to go or you'll be late!" I yelled upstairs. I quickly tapped my foot while my brother dragged his feet.

Yuta skipped down the steps and folded his arms behind his head. "Don't you mean you'll be late? For your long awaited date with L~" I flicked his nose. "Ow! (Nickname)?!"

I chuckled, "I already told you, it's not a date! It's a homicide investigation!"

"Same difference!" Yuta rubbed his red nose and walked out of the house. "Why do I have to go to school on my birthday? It's not like my teacher is teaching anything new or interesting."

As we walked to the train, I straightened up my brother's uniform and smoothed his hair down. "Because it's what other 10 year olds do Yuta." Yuta clicked his tongue and walked close to me. "Unless..."

His head shot up and his eyes sparkled. "What? Unless what?!"

"Unless... you wanna help with the investigation?"

Out of the corner of my eye I see my little brother bounce around. "Really (nickname)?! You're being serious?!" I nodded my head. "Alright!"

"Hold it!" I put my hand out in front of him. "First you have to tell me what you think about this fictional case." Yuta sighed but agreed to my test. "A single woman is home alone and has no close family. She lives by schedule but one day decides to break that schedule and try something new but is found dead 2 hours later! Who did it?"

Without missing a beat Yuta says, "online date? That's the most common theory anyway."

"That's what I was thinking!" I grab Yuta's hand and start running to the building L had built recently. "Come on! We'll be late if we don't hurry!"

We run and laugh all the way to the train. "Hey (nickname), I thought girls aren't supposed to run when they're in dresses."

I ruffled his hair. "Who put that stupid idea in your head? Plus this is a pan suit not a dress."

"Well dad said it once, right?" There was a small resistance in Yuta's voice when he said that. Bringing up dad always made us terribly sad. However, I have been more emotional about the loss of our father, even more so after Light died.

"Yeah... he used to say it all the time." An involuntary tear trickledown my cheek. "Oops! How did that get there? Haha, anyway we need to get to the base. It's a little further now." I grabbed Yuta's hand and drug him along behind me.

Yuta's POV

'She's doing it again. She always gets like this. I never met mom and I don't remember every moment with Light and our father, but I know how special they all must have been to (nickname). She's been my mother-figure since I was born.... ten years ago today. I wish there was something I could do for her...'



"Whenever I get old enough, I'm gonna help out too! I'll get a job and run errands! I bet I could do-"

(Nickname) playfully punched the top of my head. "I don't need your help Yuta. I can manage! How about you focus on growing a couple more feet?" I looked into her (e/c) eyes and I saw how bright her soul was. I feel her sincerity through her words and felt her warmth from her smile.

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