Chapter 3

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'I feel like I'm being watched.' I was walking to Light's house. Dad was home today so he said he would take care of Yuta so I could be with friends. It's always nice to have dad home and I would have loved to stay today, but I haven't seen Light in a while. Light doesn't seem to have a lot of time to hangout anymore.

I quickly turned the corner and sped walked to the straight A student's house. As I made the turn, I noticed a man sneaking behind a couple of poles. 'Someone is following me! Please don't let this be a repeat of mom!'

3rd person Flashback!

Koukito Kitamura was walking home from work. It was late and the police station wasn't far away so she decided to get some fresh air.

"It sure is a beautiful night." She smiled at the sky before continuing to her house. "Oh no! I forgot to pick up baby clothes since this little guy will be coming soon," she rubbed her swollen stomach. "and a gift for (nickname) she deserves a present after getting a perfect score on her midterms." The wife and mother of two didn't notice the man who stepped into the street in front of her. "I guess I could just give her some money but I was hoping to pick up a pie at her favorite bakery." The woman continued to talk to herself.

"Hey lady!" The man was new standing a few feet in front of her now. Even from here she could smell the alcohol off of him and his clothes were dirty and sideways. "It was you wasn't it?!" He sounded crazed, unhinged. "You're the one who executed my brother! You're the reason why he's dead!"

Koukito noticed a resemblance of this man to a criminal she caught a couple of months ago. The criminal killed has girlfriend accidentally. If the man had confessed to police that it was an accident he probably would have gotten off easy but instead he hid her body in her car and set it on fire. (Y/n) helped solve that case. If it weren't for her deductions and quick thinking, then they wouldn't have caught the man before he fled the country. Even though she was young, she was a hell of a problem solver.

"Are you Hidoshi Cargi's brother?" The man tilted his head to the side and nodded. "He was an evil man. Taking life meaninglessly is not right and I refuse to allow it." She was aware of the knife the man held behind his leg so she prepared herself for a fight. She didn't have any weapons on her so she called everyone on her radio. "Attention! This is detective Koukito Kitamura! I'm on maple street with a crazed man! I need backup!-" Before she could finish, the man lunged at her. She moved as quickly as she could but he still managed to cut her arm pretty bad. "Ahh!"

She dropped the radio. She heard a couple of officers yell that they were on their way and then she heard her daughter panic. "Mom?!"

"(nickname)!" With her attention elsewhere, the man took this chance to stab her.

"You took my family away! Why don't I take something of yours?!" He plunged his knife into her abdomen. Koukito was so furious by his words that the knife didn't even make her flinch. (Y/n) continued to talk in the phone. She said that her dad was coming to help.

"You'll stay away from my family and you won't try to harm my son again!" She punched the attacker to the ground and yanked the knife out of her body, causing her blood to decorate the concrete. Police cars squealed into the narrow street and officers ran out to help the detective. Koukito pushes the knife into the man as hard as she could. And with her last bit of strength she looked him in the eye and said, "I am the protector of my family. To get to them, you must defeat my will to keep them safe."

The attacker's eyes closed and she collapsed into another officer's arms. "Get her to the hospital!" That night Koukito was taken to the hospital and for three weeks she was on life support. She was forced into labor the night of the attack. They needed to get the baby out so they could save her. She came in and out of consciousness but eventually her body couldn't fight any longer.

"Goodbye mom." Said a (h/c) haired girl with (e/c) eyes. She was holding a small infant in her arms as her father wept over his wife's limp body.

A nurse came into the room. "I know this is a bad time but this package came for you all. A man brought it in." She placed a small box on the bedside table and left.

"I wonder what it is." (Y/n) said. She opened the box and found a note in it with a picture of the girl's mom when she went overseas for a case.

Dear Kitamura family,

My condolences for the loss of Koukito. She was one of the best detectives I have ever had the pleasure to work with. I promise to make this world safer for everyone who lives in it. Best of luck to your family.


The girl reached into the box and found a picture of her mom in London eating several kinds of pies and cakes that she always wanted to try. Her mother was pregnant in this picture so she assumed when it was taken. This picture was from her time working on that one case overseas so she had never seen this picture before. Her mother looked so happy and was practically radiating with joy so the girl couldn't help but cry.

"Thank you... L."

End flashback! (Y/n)'s POV

I ducked into an alleyway and waited for this stalker. I found some broke glass so I decided to use that as a weapon seeing as I didn't have one to begin with. The man stepped in view of me and he frantically looked around for something. Just before he could spot me, I pointed the glass at him and slowly walked out of the shadows.

"Who are you?" I asked bravely. The man looked shocked for a moment and then responded.

"I was assigned to watch you and some other people. I mean you no harm." He said considerately. Now that I have gotten a better look at him I noticed his black hair and piercing blue/gray eyes. He was dressed in dark clothes but they were neat and formal. He didn't look like a criminal but you can never be too careful.

"So you're a spy huh? Why are you tailing me?" He thought for a second and then replied.

"I'm not at liberty to say but I can assure you that I mean no harm."

"Show me your police ID then."

"I... I can't." He looked away and I lowered my 'weapon' some.

"If you can't prove it to me then I'm calling my father." I quickly grabbed my phone and try to call my father but the so-called spy grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry but he can't know. I'm here to investigate the police branches for anyone who may be leaking classified information. If you tell him I'm here then that will ruin the whole mission." I remember mom saying that she couldn't show her ID to anyone while she was in London so I knew there was a possibility that he wasn't lying.

He seemed genuine. Something about him made me feel as though he wouldn't lie to me so I gave in. "Whatever. Just- leave me alone." I started walking to Light's house again. "And don't get caught so easy next time." I heard him chuckle and agree.

When I got to Light's house he asked me why I was late.

'That spy probably doesn't want anyone to know that I met him so I probably shouldn't tell Light about him either.'

"I had to change Yuta into different clothes because he got soup on his other ones. Sorry about that."

He smiled and walked to his room. "No worries." His sister was taunting him for bringing a girl home but he didn't seem to care.

"So what's up?" I ask.

"What do you think of Kira?" He asked seriously.

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