EXTRA: Yuta's descent

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(A/n: I know most of you are probably ready for this story to end, so I'm going to wrap this up as quickly and neatly as possible. Please be patient with me!)

3rd person POV

Only letting a few seconds pass before answering, Watari answered Yuta's call. "What is it, sir?"

To the child, he couldn't fathom the existence of anyone who wasn't his older sister. "(Nickname)... wake up..." The butler stayed on the phone, although, he could hardly hear what was being said with the phone being in Yuta's pocket.

"Did something happen?" Watari thought to himself. The butler stopped the car so he could inform L, Mellow, and Near of the distress call.

"What's wrong Watari?-"

"It's for you, sir." He handed the phone to L. Immediately, a terrible voice came from the other end of the phone.

"(Nickname)!? Wake up! It's not funny!" There was a pause where L could hear the boy's tears and his shaking voice. "...Her pulse is gone..." The butler and the three young detectives listened to Yuta break down. "P-Please (N-Nickname) don't leave me alone! Please (y/n)!"

Realizing that L was in shock, Watari took it upon himself to triangulate where Yuta is by tracking the phone.
Eventually, he's found. A couple blocks from their quiet house, cuddled under his sister's loose embrace.

"Yuta..." Near lightly called.

"Y-you know... she's still warm... isn't that crazy? I was getting mad at her stupid jokes just ten minutes ago... now she refuses to answer me..."

"We should get you up from-"

"She used to hold me like this. Even now, I'll wake up from a nap with her holding me tightly." Yuta peeked up at his blonde friend and revealed his tears. "One time Light came to watch a movie with us. It was one of my stupid superhero movies I always made sister watch. We sat on the couch and fell asleep together... dad came home and made Light move to a chair across the room so he wouldn't be sleeping with (n-).. my sister." Yuta laughed like a crazed man.

"That must be hard for you... let's go." Near was never great with complex emotions. He understood them, but couldn't find a proper way to respond to them.

Yuta ignored Near and continued his story, "All of them. Everyone from my story is gone. Dead. Thanks to Kira and justice. Mom too. Were they... not good enough to live alongside everyone else?" The child sat up, (y/n) propped up on his shoulder. "Should I die too?"

Mellow sat back and let Near handle this problem. L was busy staring at the lifeless body and Watari was making a call to the police station. Mellow could talk to Yuta, but he knows that this is something only Near could handle.

"No you shouldn't die, Yuta. Don't be ridiculous. She had plenty of reason to give you, but instead, she babysat you for 10 years. Repay her favor why don't you. Take care of her."

With the push from Near, Yuta limply stood up and stared the other boy in the eye. He knew he couldn't be mad at the blonde boy for his wording. It's all true.

Yuta walked up to Watari and said, "get her taken care of. I'll be helping with the investigation of her death."

Hesitant to let this crazed child participate in such a delicate case, Watari looked to L for help. L was standing quietly, watching over the once spunky, giggling woman he loved for so many years. It was unimaginable to see her in such a helpless state.

"Yes. Yuta can help with the murder investigation of (y/n) Kitamara." He sounded distant and cold. Almost like himself, but... off.


The next day, L, Watari, Near, Mellow, and Yuta woke up at the secured building. It was the first time ever (y/n) didn't wake up her kid brother with her warm touch and smile. It was the first of many days that he'd miss that.

Near woke him up. As his friend, the boy was concerned that Yuta might do in the middle of the night, so they slept in the same room. Yuta didn't mind this sleeping arrangement, he could never sleep alone anyway.

They all prepared for the day ahead of them. Getting dressed, brushing their teeth, getting breakfast. Mellow and Watari were the only two to fix their hair properly.

As everyone was eating breakfast that the butler made, Yuta couldn't help but think about his past.

Flashback! A few months earlier

"Hey Yuta, eat that why don't cha?" (Y/n) racked eggs, bacon, pancakes, and biscuits onto a plate with some fruit on the side.

"But... where's your food (Nickname)?" Yuta struggled to climb into his chair with his arm in a cast.

"I got all I need right here!" Holding up a protein shake, (y/n) waved it around like it was a buffet.

"But..." the boy looked to the counter and saw the empty cartons of food she used up. There must not have been anything left for her after she made his food. "We can share!"

"No way, kiddo," (y/n) ruffled his hair. "You need all the nutrients you can get after you broke that arm. It's a wonder it didn't pop right off!" She joked recalling his failed attempt to climb a tree.

"Shut up (Nickname)..." he blushed from embarrassment.

End flashback!

Near watched his friend's behavior closely. He knew how unstable people can be after they loose a loved one. In Yuta's case, he looked blank constantly and he struggled eating his food, accidentally missing his mouth or stabbing his pancakes too hard.


As they were walking to the main surveillance room, they began discussing who could have killed (y/n).

"Well first off, it sounds a lot like that 'death note' thing you were investigating here, L."

"Because it is, Mellow." Yuta corrected him. "She was murdered by someone with a death note and someone who knew the trick to her true name. I've been thinking about this and it sounds a lot like revenge."

"Okay kid, now you're just pulling at straws. Not everything is a movie."

"I wouldn't discredit him yet, Mellow. He knew (y/n) better than anyone and has a keen eye for looking at the bigger picture. Give him a chance."

"Alright," the teen doesn't like listening to children, but he respected (y/n) and her reputation. "What do you think, kid?"

"Well," Yuta started, coldly.

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