Chapter 13

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Light's POV

Everyone sat back down and enjoyed their sweet treats.

'I'm sorry (y/n). I loved you. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...'

I was just looking at (y/n) as she ate because she was always smiling when she ate something sweet. This is what I want as my last memory of her to be. I looked at my watch:
5:04 and 11 SECONDS?!
How is she not dead yet?! I hear Ryuk laughing behind me. I'm guessing that this is a similar situation to what happened with Naomi. She used a fake alias. How is it possible (y/n) used an alias?! (Y/n) is on her ID card, on her birth certificate, on her school papers, everything!

'Maybe I wrote it wrong. That's it.' I snuck a quick peak at my paper but I saw that her spelling wasn't the issue. 'How? Why isn't the Death Note working?!'

"Light are you okay?" (Y/n) asks. "It looks like you're sweating. Do yo have a fever?" My mind was broken. Killing her was the only way to save me but now I couldn't even do that. I started to visibly panic. "Light?" She placed her hand on my forehead to check for a temperature but I jumped a little.

"Are you feeling okay, son?" I could tell that my dad was actually nervous for me and out of the corner of my eye I could see L soaking up every drop of my panic. He was trying to figure out why I was suddenly so shaken.

'Just relax Light. Stay calm and everything will be fine.'

"Here Light." I saw (y/n) reach down for something and then I saw my wallet centimeters from her fingertips.

'I must have dropped it when I jumped!'

She carefully grabbed it and handed it to me. Just as long as she doesn't touch the paper in there I'm okay. She was smiling at me so I knew that she hadn't touched the paper yet.

Ryuk began laughing again. I realized that he was actually standing beside her now. She froze for a second and slowly turned her head to the laugh. She seemed to be scanning something or thinking about something.

'Good she can't see him.' Suddenly she began screaming and she threw herself off of the couch. 'Dammit she can see him! What do I do?!'

The task force tried calming her but she wouldn't have any of it. They were trying to get her to tell them why she was yelling but she wasn't making any sense.

I felt a small tug at my hand. I looked down to see Yuta going through my wallet. He too saw the shinigami before him but he wasn't as hysterical as (y/n).

He pointed at Ryuk. "Death. Monster." L took the wallet away from Yuta and grabbed the note that the small child held in his hand.

He read it out loud without looking up. "'(Y/n) Kitamura; dies of a heart attack at 5:04 pm.' What is this Light?" He met my eyes and noticed the figure in the corner of his eye. Slowly he turned his head to Ryuk. He froze in fear.

"What is going on here?" My dad yelled.

"The paper... t-touch it." (Y/n) said just loud enough for them to hear it. I wasn't sure what to do. They took my only weapon and was now holding it in their hands. Soon the room fell silent and all eyes rested on Ryuk. He gave the same speak that he gave me when we first met.

"(Y/n) K-Kitamura; dies of a... heart attack at 5:04." (Y/n)'s voice is the only voice talking at the moment. "(Y/n) Kitamura; dies of a heart attack at 5:04!" She repeated but angrier. "You tried to kill me Light!" She stood up quickly and tried to hit me but she was held back by Moji and Matsuda.

"Wait! Don't do it!"

"Why not?! He killed my father!" She sounded sadistic, completely different than the girl that was laughing 5 minutes ago.

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