EXTRA: Yuta's ending

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Years passed

In a conference hall in southern part of American, dozens of detectives and officers gathered to discuss the murder of children ages 5-12. The strangeness of the crime and the fact the police couldn't catch the criminal was the reason for this emergency conference session.

"We can't just keep letting our children die dammit! We have to do something about this!" Chief detective of Houston headquarters yelled.

"Well what do you expect us to do, huh, sir? It's been over a year and we have about 13 dead and 29 additional children missing! It isn't like we're trying to ignore this matter, but since you know so much why don't you-"

"Easy now officer Hemingway. Just because Chief Johnson yelled doesn't mean we all should act like barbarians." Chuckled another detective. A fight of glares and mumbled curses took hold of this conference now.

Gathering police force members from 4 different states was going to be a challenge itself; making them all agree would prove to be even more difficult.

"Gentlemen," the mayor of Arizona police grabbed the attention of everyone in the room in a civil manner. "I think we do have one more option."

The room fell quiet. All of the bickering and nagging stopped because as much as they wanted to fight, the police wanted to save the children of their home states even more.

Mayor McBride continued, "we have a trump card this murderer couldn't hope to have. We can call 'U'." Everyone whispered amongst themselves, quietly debating this option. "I understand why you hesitate, but he has proved himself countless times in the past. He's taken on dozens of cases and he solves each of them flawlessly."

"And why should we trust this- this 'U'?" An officer from New Mexico asked in a taunting way.

"Because," the others looked down on this gentleman. "He might be our only hope. New Mexico hasn't had as many dead children as the rest of us, BUT you have the highest number missing. You should be grateful if U can find the killer before your number of dead increases." This caused the NM officer slide into his chair and think about all the children they would loose because he didn't agree to bring in this new party.

"Anyway, U has a fascination for child killers, so we assumed he would be the best choice. We think he can-"

"Are you sure he'll help us?" Chief Johnson asked. "Don't get our hopes up just so we can be disappointed he won't be coming."

"Yes we are sure. He contacted me a few days ago. It is why I called this meeting in the first place." The mayor said hurried. He was eager to continue with his proposal.

"Hmph. How can we even trust this U person? He sounds too good to be true-"

"Haha. Well then you can just talk directly to me if you feel threatened." A light chipper voice echoed through the hall along with light pats on the floor.

Standing before them now was a five-foot-nine teenage boy with half messy half combed hair and sparkling eyes. He wore a mask over the bottom half of his face to partially conceal his identity.

"Hey, I'm Yu. Well... I'm not 'you' but I'm called Yu. Haha see the difference?" Yuta made himself chuckle at his own pitiful joke.

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