Chapter 12

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Light's POV

I got a call from my father earlier about meeting him and some people who are the remaining task force members who are working on the Kira case. I just got dropped off at the hotel.

'I just hope they haven't figured it out yet.'

(Y/n)'s POV

We all sat down to discuss information. Yuta was able to stay in the room with us because L, or Ryuzaki, was intrigued by him and thought he could be useful.

"Start with your analysis (y/n)." Ryuzaki said as he sat oddly in his chair. I noticed that he looked closer at me than anyone else in the group. I wonder why.

"Well after you confronted him that one time, it was pretty easy to recognize that he's in Japan. You even said so yourself. After that his attack patterns changed when he was suspected of being a student. I don't believe that he-"

"How would you know that?" Chief Yagami asked seriously. "How would you know that we were suspecting a student?"

'Shit. I forgot that I got that information illegally.'

"Okay. I'm gonna be completely honest with you guys. I hacked into my dad's police files to gain information on the Kira case. Please forgive me." I bowed a little and they somewhat accepted it. "Every kid I know who has an interest in crime fighting, and their parents are already in that field, hack into their parents files so it's not uncommon. Especially if you're on a home network." I saw a silent exchange between Ryuzaki and chief Yagami which resulted in the chief looking away in shame.

"Please continue."

"Anyway judging by the way he responds to any challenges that are thrown at him by L, he has to be quite childish. While I was being tailed by that one FBI agent I recognized that-"

"You knew that someone was following you?!" Matsuda exclaimed, almost impressed. "That information wasn't available to even us."

"Yes I knew someone was following me." I said plainly. "He was very skilled too. It was difficult to notice him at first. He was tall and had gray eyes. He told me that his name was Eli, obviously a fake name, and that he was working on a secret investigation so he couldn't show me his ID. We had cake one time. He was very nice... and then he disappeared. He didn't answer my calls." I felt my eyes get moist and hot.

"But that doesn't explain how you noticed him." Aizawa said in a convicting way. I could tell that he was beginning to assume that I'm Kira.

"If you know anything about how my mom died then you know how I detected him." Yuta's hand squeezed mine at the mention of the word mom. I covered his ears well before proceeding. "My mother was stabbed in an alleyway on her way home from work when she was pregnant with Yuta. My father has been concerned about stalkers every since then so I was trained very well to observe my surroundings." I paused for a moment. I was thinking whether or not the information that was was about to share would make me more of a suspect or not. I decided to share everything I know despite what happens. "It's also how I noticed the cameras the moment I got home a few days ago."

"What?!" The group exclaimed. Even Ryuzaki was taken aback by it.

"Like I told you I'm trained. Would you like me to continue?"

"Of course (y/n) but first," Ryuzaki took a sip of his tea and a bite of a cookie before he continued. "Do you suspect anyone by chance?"

The mood between the task force members seemed to thicken and grow grim. Everyone was staring intensely at me. "Yeah actually, I do." Mr. Yagami and Ryuzaki leaned in slightly. "I think... that it could be... Light."

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