Chapter 6

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I tried calling Eli but he didn't answer.

'Maybe he's busy.' I was about to make dinner and wanted to see if he wanted to come eat. After all it's been a week since I've seen him and I just wanted to check in on my new friend.

My phone rang on I saw Eli's name at the top. I answer it, "It's about time you answer my calls. I was getting a little worried." I chuckled.

"Who's this?" A feminine voice came from the other end.

"Oh... do I have the wrong number? I'm looking to talk to a friend by the name of Eli... well that's not really his name. Is he there?" It was silent for a moment.

"Who is this?" The voice asked again.

"Oh I'm sorry. My name is (y/n) Kitamura. I was actually being investigated by mr. Eli a bit ago and I wanted him and his family to come over for dinner."

Again there was silence on the other end of the line. "I'm sorry but that can't happen. You see, my fiancé was killed today at the train station."

I stood shocked for a moment. "What? How?"

"Kira." Her voice cracked some but she quickly covered it with a cough.

"Ma'am... do you mind coming over? I want to talk about the Kira case with you." She says yes and I gave her my address.


Just before Eli's fiancée came over, I sent Yuta to a friend's house for a few hours. Dad was already at work so I had the house to myself. I really wanted to get this woman's opinion on Kira and some of her ideas. Since my dad dropped out of the investigation, I can't hack into his police files anymore for information. I planned on going to the station tomorrow anyway to see if you could ask the task force if I could help them.

The door bell rang. When I opened the front door, a beautiful woman with long hair stood in front of me. She was dressed in mostly black clothes.

"Thank you for having me." She bowed her head but she had a tense, cautious aura about her.

"No. Thank you for talking with me." I showed her inside and we sat at the dinner table.

"Is anyone else coming?" She asked as she looked around the room.

"No. My dad is at the station right now working and my brother is at a friend's house. Mom's no longer with us so she won't be here either." I informed her.

"Oh okay. So what would you like to know miss (y/n)?"

"I would like to know any details you feel comfortable sharing with me about how your fiancé, Eli, died." She squirmed at the use of his fake name but nodded her head anyway. She went on to tell me that at 4:45, about 4 hours ago, she got a call from the police telling her that her fiancé died of a heart attack on a train platform. She said that he was investigating people who my be leaking classified police files.

We talked for a long time. She said the idea that Kira might be able to kill in other ways, besides a heart attack.

"Yeah that theory makes sense and it would definitely be difficult to figure out who he was controlling or killing. You should talk to the task force about your theory."

"You really think so?" She asked with a glimmer of hope in her eyes, the first sign of happiness or life I had seen in her all night.

"Well of course. Your theory makes sense to me. You didn't tell me all of your theory but I'm sure the rest of it is just as probable." She smiled at me. "I'll be going to the police station tomorrow. If you'd like to meet me there then we could try to talk to the task force together. How about that?" She happily agreed. "Great! I'm sorry to do this but I need to go get my brother now and I can't very well leave you alone in my house..."

"Oh no I understand (y/n). No problem. I'll see you tomorrow at two." She says as she walks out the front door.

"You too miss...-"

"Shoko. That's what you can call me."

"Right. See you tomorrow miss Shoko." I wave over my shoulder before walking to the house Yuta is staying at.

'Her theory about the bus jacking has me worried. If I remember correctly, Light was on the bus with Kiki and she posted about it on YourSpace. ....this isn't looking good.'

Shoko/Naomi's POV

I watched (y/n) walk off for a moment before I began to walk home. She was a very nice girl and very intelligent. I didn't want to tell her my whole theory yet because I don't know who I can trust right now.

She seems trustworthy but I don't want to make the same mistake Raye may have. Although, I understand why he felt he could trust her.

In any other situation, she would be my prime suspect. She has a high sense of justice, a parent who was killed by a criminal, very smart (like Kira), and she's a student who lives in Japan. She is the perfect choice but for some reason I can't imagine her being able to hurt anyone, especially not kill several dozens of people.

I smiled to myself and opened the room to my hotel room and quickly fell asleep.


I woke up early today. All I could do was pace around my room until 2 o'clock. I looked up at the clock.

'11:57 am. I can't wait any longer.' I grabbed my purse and headed to the police station. When I got there the receptionist kept telling me that task force wasn't there at the moment. A boy named Light Yagami offered his help, which I deeply appreciated.

As we walked around to kill time. I eventually shared my whole theory with Light about how Kira can kill in several ways.

"Have you told anyone about this theory yet?" The kind boy asked.

Technically I did tell (y/n) about it but I don't think I explained it well enough to her. "No, you're the first one I've told."

We talked more and he said that he thought I needed to tell task force immediately as well. Now that I got both (y/n) and Light's opinion on my topic, I was much more confident about my theory.

Later, I gave my license to Light so he could write a recommendation for me to join the task force. I felt bad about lying to him about my name before but, I felt that it was necessary.

"Um so... if you don't mind my asking, why do you keep checking your watch?"

"Oh well... I guess it's because..." he looks back at his watch and then into my eyes. "Because I'm Kira."

Those were the three words I most dreaded to hear. 'Did Raye find out before he died? Is he going to join the task force! What if they all get killed? Will I die because he has my na-'

I felt my worry be covered by obligation. I was completely conscious but my body did something other than what I wanted it to do. I wanted to run and tell someone that I found Kira but I couldn't.

'This must be how he kills. This power, it's evil.'

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