Chapter 10

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I heard banging at my door.

'That's odd. Everyone should have left by now. Why are they not following my exit plan?'

"Watari." Without having to finish my order, Watari takes care of the visitor. In no time I see a breathless police chief in front of me.

"R-Ryuzaki... it's (y/n)... she thinks her dad is in trouble." He notifies me. I was shocked by his statement but I doubted it.

The phone rang. Watari answered it, as usual, and he looked at me and said, "There has been another heart attack victim. A 'Hojo Kitamura' is now dead." Now that shocked me, and from the look of it, Mr. Yagami was just as shocked.

"(Y-y/n)... I'll call you back in a minute." There was a pause and then he hung up.

"Mr. Yagami, what happened?"

(Quick recap)
"(Y/n) said that she got a call from an officer that her father was arrested earlier and that she needed to bring his medicine. I guess that's why she rushed out of her house earlier. When she got to the station, she talked to her father and he told her what actually happened and it seems that she and the police believe him. They just needed time to talk to the accuser and check the surveillance footage. He was supposed to leave tomorrow morning early. Before the police were notified of it, Sakura TV put out a news story that her father had groped women at the train station but (y/n) says that she knows he wouldn't do that. She got home and was called a moment ago by someone and they told her about the story on the news that she didn't see because she was at the police station. She said that she was sure that Kira would target him so she called for our help... but we were too late." His voice cracked a bit at the end and of course I knew why. She's a sweet girl, his son's love. How are we going to tell (y/n) what happened and how would she take it?

"Watari, contact the police station and tell them not to give (y/n), or anyone, information on Mr. Kitamura or his death." My butler bows and quickly takes care of it. "As for (y/n), we should invite her here to talk. I don't believe that she is Kira so I'll have the cameras and wire taps removed from her house as soon as possible."

"How do you know she isn't Kira?" Mr. Yagami seemed more concerned now. I'm sure it's because he knows that he son is the only person on my suspect list now.

"She wouldn't kill her own father- well Kira might. I don't think she is Kira anyway. Call her and tell her to meet us here. Give her the address."

"If you think that is best." I began calling (y/n) back.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Hello?" I asked.

"(Y/n). It's detective Yagami." I could hear that his voice was somewhat shaky, as if he regretted calling me. "Can you meet the task force?"

"Right now?" I ask in a hushed voice. I still don't want Yuta to know anything. "I can't. I have to watch my little brother. I won't have time until 4 tomorrow after school. Is that okay?"

There was silence for a moment. "Yes that is fine. Call me when you're out of school for the address."


"And (y/n)... come alone." I heard the sterness in his tone. He wasn't kidding.

"Okay. Thank you detective Yagami. I appreciate it." He was about to hang up. "Sir," he responds with a 'hm'. "And my dad?"

There was no way for him to evade that question. No one at the police station would answer my questions when I called so I knew they were told not to. Mr. Yagami also couldn't tell me that nothing happened because they would have let me talk to my father.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow." He finally says.

"Oh I see." Tears streamed down my face and my voice cracked. I could piece together what happened. "Thank you for trying. Thank you..." I hung up so I could freely to myself; chest pain and all.

"(N-nickname)?" Yuta was next to me and wrapped his arms around one of mine. "Daddy isn't coming back, huh?" There was no reason to lie to him. He has pretty good instincts too.

"No Yuta... he isn't." We crumbled to the ground and cried for a while until, finally, we ran out of tears. "Let's go to bed. I won't make you go to daycare tomorrow." He nodded his head and we went upstairs.

I gave him a bath and then took shower while he was getting comfortable in my bed. I decided to call Light. Maybe he would make me feel better..?

"Hello?" He sounded as if he had just woken up.

"I'm sorry.. did I wake you?" My voice was getting shaky again.

"No. I was just about to sleep. What's up?"

"It's my dad. The police wouldn't tell me but... I -I know he's dead..." I broke down again.

"Woah woah woah. Hold on! If they didn't tell you, then he's probably fine. Why do you assume that he's dead?"

"His picture was put on TV along with a false story. I know that Kira killed him." At this point I'm not sure if Light could even understand what I was saying.

"The story was fake?" He sounded confused and maybe relieved.

"Of course it was. My dad wasn't that kind of man. He was going to be release tomorrow morning *sniff* but Sakura TV had to release that story and now he's g-gone!"

"I understand. I'm sorry that happened to you... is there anything I can do to help?" He sounded upset and sincere.

"I don't know. Maybe you could come over- no never mind... J-Just tell Mr. Maou that I won't be at school tomorrow... okay?" He agreed and I hung up after saying goodbye.

When I walked into my room, I found Yuta wide awake. "I can't sleep (nickname)." He spoke softly, as if someone were listening. I glanced in the direction of a hidden camera. One of the several I knew had been there for a couple of days.

"Yeah. I can't sleep either," I slip into bed and brought Yuta into my arms. He curled up into a ball and closed his eyes. "But we have to try."

It took about 3 hours of silence for Yuta to fall asleep and then 1 more for me to sleep.

Light's POV

'I've made a terrible mistake. One that will cost me everything I've wanted and more.'

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