Chapter 11

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I woke up still expecting the breakfast that my father promised the day before, but it never came.

My little brother was still asleep but his face was stained with tears; he had been crying in his sleep.

I stretched and walked to my mirror. Soon I realized that my face looked very similar to my brother's. With a quick glance at my clock, I realized that it was almost noon. I didn't want to miss school so close to the entrance exams but I can't go to school now. Especially now that everyone believes my heroic father is a criminal.

I got a call from one of my friends this morning. I assume that she is probably just checking on me so I called her back. "Hey Jenny. Sorry I missed your call."

"Hey (y/n)! I know things are probably crazy for you right now but I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!"

"W-what?" I completely forgot about my birthday. In all honesty Jenny is probably the only person to remember, besides dad anyway. "Thanks Jenny I appreciate-"

"Is that (y/n)?!" I heard from the background. "Yeah it is." Jenny responded. "Happy birthday 18th (y/n)! I love you girl!" I immediately recognize that it's Shico's voice.

"Thank you both. It means a lot to me. I have to go now." We said bye and I hung up. I don't really want to think about my birthday right now.

I decided to make breakfast and then work on the Kira case. I found the video from the news last night on the Sakura TV website and watched it. I ended up having to play it back three times because I kept getting angry. They used my father's police ID picture. How could they disgrace his work like that. But then I noticed it: Sakura TV only showed a picture of my dad and they never said his name. They only told viewers that he was a police officer. That can only mean that Kira has deep enough ties to the police to recognize my father and its possible they even know me. That doesn't give me much more information than I already had but it does make Light and the police force more suspicious to me. Light is the only minor I know who has parent(s) in the police force. I don't think he would kill my father... but I could be wrong.

I heard small pats on the steps and when I turned around I saw my brother sleepily walking up to me. His eyes were bloodshot and his usual glittering eyes were dim.

"Good morning Yut-" He threw his short arms around me and started crying again.

"Y-you weren't there when I woke up! I-I thought you were gone too!" I didn't even think about that. Seeing him cry over me made me brake again.

"I'm so sorry Yuta... I didn't mean to upset you." I pulled him into my lap and squeezed him to my chest. "I just thought I would make breakfast."

Soon, he was ready to get off of my lap and eat. He was just like I was this morning: he ate a bite of food and nothing else. I didn't expect him to be hungry but I still wanted him to eat some more.

'2:00.' I can't bring Yuta to task force headquarters. I thought up a list of people who Yuta usually likes to hangout with.

"Hey Yuta."

"Uh huh, (nickname)?"

"Would you like to stay with the Saitos today?"


"What about the Nightingales?"


I listed off 7 more families to my brother but he declined all of them. "Okay then who do you want to stay with today?" He just wrapped his arms around my legs and rested his cheek on my sweat pants. He didn't need to say anything because I understood. "Fine."

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