Chapter 17

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Niamha sat in her fourth block class waiting for the bell to ring. She had long ago stopped listening to the teacher and started watching the clock. 'Thirty minutes, she thought as she watched the hand on the clock slowly move. She loved Friday's because it was the end to a crazy week, but she was especially looking forward to this weekend because this was the last weekend of the year before they brought in the new year and it was also the weekend that the football team hosting their beginning-of-the-end blow out bash and she was ready to party. She was ready to let loose from all the stress between Michael and Landon, she was just ready to be Niamha again. And this party is the start of that. She noticed that the class had gotten quiet while she was in her head, and they were all looking at her. She looked around the classroom and her eyes landed on Landon, who was staring her down looking at her expectantly.

"Ms. Woodrow?" her head snapped away toward the teacher as she called her name.


"Are you finished taking away time from my class?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

"Yes." She said looking down at her desk, and hearing the chuckles from the other students in the class.

"Good. Now please go sit next to your partner and begin working."

Niamha stood up trying to hide her shame, only to halt when she noticed that everyone had partners. Well everyone except Landon.


Niamha headed upstairs and jumped in the shower. When she walked back into her bedroom she noticed that she only had an hour to get ready before the girls came to pick her up so they could head out to dinner. She quickly moisturized her body and placed her hair up into a simple pony tail; she gave herself smoky eyes and put on her Mac red lipstick. She went into her closet and pulled out her black strapless full body suit and cheetah print heels with the red bow on the front. After dressing she went to check the time, she had ten minutes before the girls would be coming to get her. She began to clean up the mess she made in her room. After what seemed like forever the girls finally showed up and they headed to dinner before heading to party.

Niamha was walking around looking for Brynn to tell her that she was ready to go. She declined all the offers thrown at her for her to come and dance with them, and continued on her search for Brynn. When she finally spotted her on the other side of the dance floor, she began to make her way over. She was just about to call out to her as she got closer, but stopped when she felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around her waist and pulled her into their chest. She was about to pull away but then she felt their warm breath tickle against her ear as he whispered.

"I never thought I would catch you."

Niamha shivered as his breath tickled her neck. She felt hers eyes began to drift close and she began to melt into him.

"Mmm, maybe that's how I wanted it to be." She felt his arm tighten around her more as he began to move them towards the dance floor.

"Dance with me." He said pulling them onto the dance floor.

Niamha sighed and shifted closer to his broad chest. They began moving to their own beat of music, just swaying. Niamha closed her eyes and laid her head back against his chest. She had totally gotten lost in the feel of his arms and the way her body warmed from being so close to one another. She felt her breath hitch as he began to slightly run his fingers along her sides.

"Turn around." He said and Niamha complied completely in a trace. Niamha inhaled and was hit with his intoxicating smell.

"Open your eyes, Niamha." He said. She slowly peeled her eyes open and roamed a trail up his face before looking into his hazel-grey ones. She felt herself melt as he stared back at her with warm lust filled eyes. She broke eye contact and moved her eyes back down to his pouty lips. It's like they are begging to be kissed, Niamha thought to herself. Without anymore thinking she began to lean and stopped a few inches from his lips, she watched as she licked his lips effectively making them look more tempting. She looked up and his under her lashes and saw that he was watching her with a hooded eyes. He closed the gap between them and pressed he lips to her. Niamha felt sparks shoot thru her body as he added pressure to their kiss. Niamha felt like she was about to go weak kneed when she felt his tongue run across her bottom lip asking for entrance which she happily granted. As the kiss deepened, Niamha ran her hands up her chest and around his neck. She moaned as she heard the groan come from his throat, it sent her insides into frenzy. They stood there kissing unaware that around them that the dance floor had cleared and they were the only two there. Niamha slowly broke away from the kiss, placing simply pecks on his lips before stopping and laying her head on his chest with her eyes still closed. The two of them stood there holding each other for more moments to pass, it wasn't until someone cleared their throat did the two of them open their eyes.

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